
More and more Doctors are recommending a glass of red wine per day to certain patients. I often have 2 to be sure I’m getting the correct level of resveratrol.
Richo recently likened the club to a reformed alcoholic I guess because those who were calling the shots (no pun intended) had a long hard look at the decisions they were making and the effect of those decisions, not only on themselves but others as well.
Really depends who you ask, I have a few doctors in my family (who are all pretty fast and loose with drugs and alcohol btw) but the general consensus is that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to your health.
I've been a drinker since I was 16 and have only recently started to give it some proper consideration that I was maybe drinking too much too often, am now 32.
I love having a beer or a wine or whatever is on the go, but these days, I'm just not sure that the hangover is worth it.
When I lived and worked in Switzerland I was up to on average 42 liters aweek and I was not even close to downing as much as the Germans I worked with I was way down on consumption
Dude. That’s ridiculous.
How is your health going?
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but the general consensus is that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to your health.
I know that this "consensus" relates to your medical relatives; ie, it is not necessarily your opinion, but can I just say that the proposition that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to one's health is complete BS.

There has been decades of studies that have shown that moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial to health, particularly red wine. These are not just epidemiological studies but also clinical trials testing red wine like a pharmaceutical drug which demonstrated that moderate daily intakes are beneficial.

So, if someone suggests to me that any amount of alcohol will damage my health, I will simply say show me the evidence!
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Dude. That’s ridiculous.
How is your health going?

Really depends who you ask, I have a few doctors in my family (who are all pretty fast and loose with drugs and alcohol btw) but the general consensus is that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to your health.
I've been a drinker since I was 16 and have only recently started to give it some proper consideration that I was maybe drinking too much too often, am now 32.
I love having a beer or a wine or whatever is on the go, but these days, I'm just not sure that the hangover is worth it.
I am been fasting for 20; years I do up to 5 day fasting and I am big on eating carnivore at one stage was a vegan health went down hill then I was a vegetarian still no good then found out about all the health benefits of eating red meat

Besides the eyes and injuries from hitting the gym for years I go ok
Drank plenty of beer between 18-25. Probably about 10 schooner in a 4 hours . Felt bloated so then started on the spirit rum or Bourbon

Was probably classed as a binge drinker. Generally only once a week but sometimes twice (Friday and Saturday nights)
Didn’t suffer from hangovers much unless went well into the morning on spirits
44 now and can still sometimes put them away but generally I’ll have half a dozen and I’m done
I don’t drink spirits anymore but still drink full strength. All my mates are on the midstrength
I think most men in early 20’s give it a nudge and then grow out of it unless they stay in a environment allowing them to keep going
Generally house loans girlfriends and kids would in my opinion be the natural show stopper
Always been a social drinker and will very seldom drink on my own
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Dude. That’s ridiculous.
How is your health going?
Bother you live once and time is your most valuable asset my sister and her husband worked 35 years paying off a mortgage in french mortgage translates to death contract I believe

You live once do it properly i put 10K on Solana at $15 soon I will sell and be off on another adventure
Drank plenty of beer between 18-25. Probably about 10 schooner in a 4 hours . Felt bloated so then started on the spirit rum or Bourbon

Was probably classed as a binge drinker. Generally only once a week but sometimes twice (Friday and Saturday nights)
Didn’t suffer from hangovers much unless went well into the morning on spirits
44 now and can still sometimes put them away but generally I’ll have half a dozen and I’m done
I don’t drink spirits anymore but still drink full strength. All my mates are on the midstrength
I think most men in early 20’s give it a nudge and then grow out of it unless they stay in a environment allowing them to keep going
Generally house loans girlfriends and kids would in my opinion be the natural show stopper
Always been a social drinker and will very seldom drink on my own
This bloke gets it.

Most fellas are complete idiots in their 20s, death is not an option, and than life/reality hits in the 30s, catches up real hard in the 40s. Most people naturally stop drinking due to life commitments.
I know that this "consensus" relates to your medical relatives; ie, it is not necessarily your opinion, but can I just say that the proposition that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to one's health is complete BS.

There has been decades of studies that have shown that moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial to health, particularly red wine. These are not just epidemiological studies but also clinical trials testing red wine like a pharmaceutical drug which demonstrated that moderate daily intakes are beneficial.

So, if someone suggests to me that any amount of alcohol will damage my health, I will simply say show me the evidence!
That is a poor take.
There is tonnes of advice, warnings and studies out there that provide information on the effects of alcohol on your brain, heart, liver & stomach.
It increases effects of depression and anxiety, decreases fertility, causes unhealthy weight gain, leads to addictions and dependencies, increases risk of cancer and dementia. Not to mention it leads to social issues such as domestic violence, assorted crime rates and lowering of community standards.

I’m no tea-totaller but saying alcohol is good for you is wishful thinking BS. It’s a treat like fast food. Have too much and you are f*#ed.
Bother you live once and time is your most valuable asset my sister and her husband worked 35 years paying off a mortgage in french mortgage translates to death contract I believe

You live once do it properly i put 10K on Solana at $15 soon I will sell and be off on another adventure
Enjoy it now, hopefully the back end of your life will be just as rosey.
Really depends who you ask, I have a few doctors in my family (who are all pretty fast and loose with drugs and alcohol btw) but the general consensus is that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to your health.
I've been a drinker since I was 16 and have only recently started to give it some proper consideration that I was maybe drinking too much too often, am now 32.
I love having a beer or a wine or whatever is on the go, but these days, I'm just not sure that the hangover is worth it.
I don’t think I drink enough alcohol to get hangovers, but did suffer a couple of times as a teenager. I was younger than most of my mates and drinking on the footpath outside the pub was a regular pastime.
I've been pretty blessed with good genetics as far as drinking goes. I burn it quickly, don't very often get bad hangovers and tend to be able to taper off when I need to so I never get too far gone. Def a binge drinker, i'll often go months without a drink and barely notice. I can still (at 42) polish off a bottle of scotch without much trouble and most people wouldn't recognize I was drunk. I have 3 stills and make my own these days, far far less hangover than store bought and I know what's in it. I can make vodka for under $2 a litre which helps!
I have had huge nights then got up and blown 0 in the breatho after a few hours sleep whilst other mates have gone DUI the next day whilst driving home after work.... My old man is exactly the same, though he prob puts away 5 schooners every arvo. Can probably still out drink me on beer in his 60s! I've seen him drunk twice in my life. He is a dead set sponge!!
Bother you live once and time is your most valuable asset my sister and her husband worked 35 years paying off a mortgage in french mortgage translates to death contract I believe

You live once do it properly i put 10K on Solana at $15 soon I will sell and be off on another adventure
I hope you don't drive a car, Odessa.
And I hope I'm wrong, but I reckon if you keep doing what you are doing, the only time we'll see your name on here before long will be.......3rd in line after Tigergran and Geo on the deceased list.
Never drove for years while I was drinking only smart thing I've done

Same as me.I learned my lesson at 18 when i was blind drunk (pre breathalyser) and totalled the car and walked away without a scratch.A country copper came along and gave me a huge lecture and said "I won't charge you because you will lose your insurance,stop being an idiot and don't do it again" or words to that effect.53 years later and i have never done it again,when the breathalyser came in it was not a problem for me at all.I never stopped drinking just never drank and drove
That is a poor take.
There is tonnes of advice, warnings and studies out there that provide information on the effects of alcohol on your brain, heart, liver & stomach.
It increases effects of depression and anxiety, decreases fertility, causes unhealthy weight gain, leads to addictions and dependencies, increases risk of cancer and dementia. Not to mention it leads to social issues such as domestic violence, assorted crime rates and lowering of community standards.

I’m no tea-totaller but saying alcohol is good for you is wishful thinking BS. It’s a treat like fast food. Have too much and you are f*#ed.
A couple of points in reply.

First, I was commenting on the proposition that any level of alcohol consumption is detrimental to one’s health.

Second, I don’t deny that alcohol is at the heart of many problems, both social and personal. But I was talking about moderate consumption.

Third, if we are going to debate this proposition we need to define “moderate”.

For the purposes of discussion, I would define “moderate” as two glasses of red wine per day. There is plenty of evidence that this level of consumption is beneficial. I can provide references if you like.

However, I don’t want to be dogmatic about this. I’d like to think that I’m open to the evidence.

So, if you have any evidence that drinking two glasses of red wine per day is harmful to one’s health then I would like to see it.
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