Album covers


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2009
...ahead of you....
Thought itd be cool to get peoples thoughts on their favourite
album covers, saw an article today that gave me the idea for this
thread, for myself even though I wasnt really into music heavily
a good album cover was a big factor in buying a record
{ no old fart comments please}

Id say these two would likelely be the most recognisable covers ever


It’s a shame with the advent of streaming, a lot of things about music have lost its charm these days. Like the joy back in the day when actually going to a record store and buying a physical copy of an album. Now, you just get it online in a couple of clicks. Record stores don’t even exist anymore. I miss the nostalgia of CD’s and DVD’s, but in this day and age they just take up space and aren’t efficient compared to streaming. I don’t think album covers carry the same mystique anymore if you aren’t actually physically l holding it in your hands.

Or maybe it’s just a sign im finally getting old 🤔
Not a cover as such but a great fold out. Should be some recognisable faces for dinosaurs like me.
Shame the album is a mite hard on the ears unless you are a hardcore punk.
It’s a shame with the advent of streaming, a lot of things about music have lost its charm these days. Like the joy back in the day when actually going to a record store and buying a physical copy of an album. Now, you just get it online in a couple of clicks. Record stores don’t even exist anymore. I miss the nostalgia of CD’s and DVD’s, but in this day and age they just take up space and aren’t efficient compared to streaming. I don’t think album covers carry the same mystique anymore if you aren’t actually physically l holding it in your hands.

Or maybe it’s just a sign im finally getting old 🤔
There are record fairs around - I bought heaps of albums and cds in Brisbane.
While some vendors offer pretty odd value others......... I soon found my go to people.
There are record fairs around - I bought heaps of albums and cds in Brisbane.
While some vendors offer pretty odd value others......... I soon found my go to people.
Try finding a HMV or Sanity theee days. Better chance of finding Harold Holt. I’d love to still have CD’s and DVD’s but life has simply passed them by.
Funny story regarding the Nevermimd cover. The baby on the cover, now a grown man (obviously), a couple years ago, tried to sue Nirvana, alleging child porn. He may have had a case for feeling exploited if he didn’t have the cover tattooed on his arm and hadn’t recreated the image multiple times as an adult. Which tells me it’s a blatant money grab. How he could be bitter about being the face of one of the most iconic album covers of all time baffles me. Interestingly enough, as I just Googled it, the lawsuit has been revived in the last couple of days and is being reviewed
Try finding a HMV or Sanity theee days. Better chance of finding Harold Holt. I’d love to still have CD’s and DVD’s but life has simply passed them by.
True re commercial shops.
Some of my collection. Must admit some haven't been played in a while - either not that good or I have multiples (e.g. Pink Floyd - my originals are always kept in protective sleeves - only the reproduction box set or cds come out.)