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  1. Kul

    2023-Sept Update

    Hey all 👋 Now that the season is (almost) complete, overnight I've carried out some much needed maintenance. Bumped the XenForo forum software up to the latest version, so you may see a few minor UI and feature changes, but not many, as the software is fairly stable Moved the server from...
  2. Kul

    Three* in a row

    Can we make it three in a row this week? I can’t remember the last time we pulled off such a feat! *I count the NQL game as a win
  3. Kul

    Bannable Behaviour [contains offensive content]

    As part of the forum upgrade a stronger warning management system was implemented. It's hard to actually get banned from this forum, typically offensive content or behaviour is given a warning and a temporary suspension kicks in after a certain number of warning points are given, with the length...
  4. Kul

    Russian invasion of Ukraine

    It's shocking to read about it. I wonder where all the Putin apologists are now? It's disgusting and it shows how well Putin has played the west, even though it has been obvious for years.
  5. Kul

    @Bigpond email address issue

    Unfortunately the Bigpond email server doesn't like emails send from and is rejecting their delivery. This means that if you have registered with an email address you won't receive the confirmation email and associated link. I've submitted a ticket to...
  6. Kul

    Username changes

    With this latest update you can request to have your username changed. I know a lot of you had your usernames changed years ago to replace any spaces to a "_" You can now submit a username change request within the "Account Details" section of your profile.
  7. Kul

    2023 Forum Updates and Issues

    Welcome to the big update for 2022. A lot of work, planning and money has gone into this update, but it will be worth it! I know that there's been a bit of change lately, but this update and the effort that's been put in has been made entirely in response to your feedback. Now everything will...
  8. Kul

    Weekend - the Forum will be offline

    Morning everyone. Just a heads up that the forum will be offline this weekend while the yearly maintenance takes place. These tasks normally take place at this time of year, before the trials start, while the forum is quiet. This year we'll be bumping the server up a version. Over the past...
  9. Kul

    2022 Update

    Hey everyone, I've mentioned before that, as per usual, the next update will be happening in the next few weeks. I do these updates now as to avoid issues during the regular season However it should be noted that this update will be quite cool. Some of the mods have already seen what's...
  10. Kul

    Current bugs and issues

    Hi all I know there are issue at the moment with quoting. Please stand by. The current version of the software is not going to be fixed and I’m currently testing the forum in the new software. Sorry please stand by
  11. Kul

    Another Quick Forum Update

    Hi everyone, another quick update from me. As I said in my last update, following on the feedback received from a diverse range of stakeholders over the last 12 months, I've been conducting a systematic review of this forum and its context in the wider social media landscape. Suffice to say...
  12. Kul

    Quick update - Website

    Be advised that I have disabled the up/down voting system. The various incidents over the past few weeks have been both disappointing and, to be frank, embarrassing. This forum MUST be a place for enthusiastic yet adult discussion about a common interest. Over the coming weeks I’ll be...
  13. Kul

    Test new topic

    This is a test new topic With some youtube and a poll
  14. Kul

    Good enough for a serious team

    So apparently getting rid of our greatest ever player was supposed to usher in an era of dominance, well so said the illustrious brains of this forum. Yet here we are. And there he is. Bring him back
  15. Kul

    2021 Software update

    Hi all, As you may have noticed, there are some slight differences to the forum today. Overnight I brought the forum software up to the latest version. I usually do this around this time of year as it's when we are at our quietest. It's important to do it each year so that any bug fixes and...
  16. Kul

    This Forum Endorses #KeepBenji

    Every one of us remembers where we where when it was confirmed that benji would be making his debut. I was in year 10 at high school. I supported a team that was very poor. 17 years later the game has long since changed, benji did the most changing!. He inspired, he excited, he enraged and he...
  17. Kul

    You are all on another planet

    douhei is awesome and our future 6, Benji again shows that he is the king, Nofo should be playing for Australia, We have the makings of a great team
  18. Kul

    Re-validated Emails

    In order to help counter bots, I've enabled some additional email validation for accounts. Now some users may have to re-validate their account before they are able to post again. You should be presented with a message prompting you click on a link in an email that would have been sent to...
  19. Kul

    ST: Picard - Discussion *spoilers*

    I just watched the first episode that dropped earlier today. 10/10 from start to finish! Perfectly picked up 20 years after Nemesis (and the Romulan supernova in ST09), yet forging it's own way forward. Seeing Picard in the TNG-era command uniform made me squeal!
  20. Kul

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