Winning Culture


Well-known member
Jan 1, 1970

I read this article this morning and copied it here for its insight into building a winning culture. At the end of the article it mentions building a sense of personal responsibility, and not handing your responsibilities off to others. When I read that, I was immediately reminded of 'Inks' post about Tim Moltzen "All I remember of him in the 1 jumper is him looking to dump it off to a winger, or piss farting across field on a kick return", which is spot on, didn't want to do the hard yards.

I hope Jason Taylor shares similar values, because I think this direction is exactly the one we need to follow, especially with all the young 'potential' JT will be moulding. If he can build that culture and attitude into the Tigers we'll go a long way.
Prima donnas today have had everything handed to them since about the age of 14.

I hear interviews where the commentator starts out the interview by giving the player a massive rap for the last game or his rep selection and theres no gratitude or thanks in the reply, its just acceptance

Its why little things like Thurston picking up his kicking tee and handing it to the ball boy is so noticeable in todays game…these things are rare

Everything is done for them. Unfortunatley our extremely young squad last year when under the pump, when they looked for guidance from our (C) saw someone that left a ground out the back way leaving someone alse to do the talking, they saw someone that didnt want to play because he'd gotten himself into a pickle with the media.
Farah is a good (C) when his head is right.

Unfortunatey our club for whatever reason is a target for the media....Taylor Mayer & farah have to realize this and work something out to prevent a repeat of this year.
I see again a story on RLW online where rent a quote Benny is saying crap like "I'd defy taylor too" in reference to the BS thats emerged over Farah, his schnoz, JT and the 4N...theyre just trying to drive a wedge
Ink, I agree re Farah and unfortunately tend to doubt that he is able to buy into the concept of shared responsibility. I couldn't even imagine him sweeping the locker room floor. He's just too big and his attitude is reinforced by sycophants including many WT fans. It would be great to see him adopt a public persona more akin to Thurston, but I can't see it happening.

Re the media; our new board with media savvy members should be taking big steps this season to take the 'Kick Me' sign off Wests Tigers back. Part of that will be training our captain on when to talk and what to say. Unfortunately there's no way of muzzling Benny to keep him from back-dooring us.
A winning culture extends beyond Jason Taylor (head coach) and into senior management and across the whole club. This can be seen across all successful teams in all sports. The San Antonio Spurs in the NBA spring to mind.
Winning culture are built on very hard work,sharing the load and trust. At present their are plenty of words being thrown around by the club and the media but it has to be remembered its only words. When the squad returns from the off season break, that is when the work begins that fingers crossed will reshape our club and its culture.

I am sure Potter tried to develope the same culture and values when he was in charge, it is a lot easier said than done, but my gut feeling is Taylor will either be very successful or end up with a mutiny on his hands.
In a wining culture a leaders words and actions are aligned. In a losing culture a leaders words and actions are misaligned. Let's hope everyone at the club from the top down, are on the same page from now on and 2015 brings a winning culture with it.
@innsaneink said:
Prima donnas today have had everything handed to them since about the age of 14.

I hear interviews where the commentator starts out the interview by giving the player a massive rap for the last game or his rep selection and theres no gratitude or thanks in the reply, its just acceptance

Its why little things like Thurston picking up his kicking tee and handing it to the ball boy is so noticeable in todays game…these things are rare

Everything is done for them. Unfortunatley our extremely young squad last year when under the pump, when they looked for guidance from our (C) saw someone that left a ground out the back way leaving someone alse to do the talking, they saw someone that didnt want to play because he'd gotten himself into a pickle with the media.
Farah is a good (C) when his head is right.

Unfortunatey our club for whatever reason is a target for the media....Taylor Mayer & farah have to realize this and work something out to prevent a repeat of this year.
I see again a story on RLW online where rent a quote Benny is saying crap like "I'd defy taylor too" in reference to the BS thats emerged over Farah, his schnoz, JT and the 4N...theyre just trying to drive a wedge

And thats why ink I dont like when people call Thurston a grub.Hes gotta be the most humble out of a bunch of mostly primadonnas.
@Tigermama said:
In a wining culture a leaders words and actions are aligned. In a losing culture a leaders words and actions are misaligned. Let's hope everyone at the club from the top down, are on the same page from now on and 2015 brings a winning culture with it.

Well said Tigermama.You talk the talk you walk the walk.
Agree Jerry. Love the guy. Heart of gold when it comes to kids. Not enough like him i'm afraid.
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
@Tigermama said:
In a wining culture a leaders words and actions are aligned. In a losing culture a leaders words and actions are misaligned. Let's hope everyone at the club from the top down, are on the same page from now on and 2015 brings a winning culture with it.

Well said Tigermama.You talk the talk you walk the walk.

Thanks Jerry :wink:
Jerry,Ink and TM,everything you have said is correct..
When the sniping within abates,then the sowing of the seeds of a winning culture can begin..
To correct an era,firstly you have to find where it was made… :smiley: :sign:
Correct GEO,and we will be winning more often next,even looking to make the 8,we must think positive…. :astonished: :astonished: :sign:
@innsaneink said:
Prima donnas today have had everything handed to them since about the age of 14.

I hear interviews where the commentator starts out the interview by giving the player a massive rap for the last game or his rep selection and theres no gratitude or thanks in the reply, its just acceptance

Its why little things like Thurston picking up his kicking tee and handing it to the ball boy is so noticeable in todays game…these things are rare

Everything is done for them. Unfortunatley our extremely young squad last year when under the pump, when they looked for guidance from our (C) saw someone that left a ground out the back way leaving someone alse to do the talking, they saw someone that didnt want to play because he'd gotten himself into a pickle with the media.
Farah is a good (C) when his head is right.

**Unfortunatey our club for whatever reason is a target for the media**....Taylor Mayer & farah have to realize this and work something out to prevent a repeat of this year.
I see again a story on RLW online where rent a quote Benny is saying crap like "I'd defy taylor too" in reference to the BS thats emerged over Farah, his schnoz, JT and the 4N...theyre just trying to drive a wedge

It's because we always take the bait.
@Tigermama said:
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
@Tigermama said:
In a wining culture a leaders words and actions are aligned. In a losing culture a leaders words and actions are misaligned. Let's hope everyone at the club from the top down, are on the same page from now on and 2015 brings a winning culture with it.

Well said Tigermama.You talk the talk you walk the walk.

Thanks Jerry :wink:

Oh hell…when's the wedding?
LCA,are we all invited..would be a hell of a reception..
Hang on..Happy and Flip..the groomsmen ..
Who are the bridesmaids??

@TrueTiger said:
LCA,are we all invited..would be a hell of a reception..
Hang on..Happy and Flip..the groomsmen ..
Who are the bridesmaids??


In the spirit of us all being WT fans, I expect an invitation. But, if it's within the next few months (or years ..or decades) I am a tad busy.
@LCA said:
@Tigermama said:
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
@Tigermama said:
In a wining culture a leaders words and actions are aligned. In a losing culture a leaders words and actions are misaligned. Let's hope everyone at the club from the top down, are on the same page from now on and 2015 brings a winning culture with it.

Well said Tigermama.You talk the talk you walk the walk.

Thanks Jerry :wink:

Oh hell…when's the wedding?

LOL. Good to see you have a sense of humour after all LCA. :laughing:
@TrueTiger said:
LCA,are we all invited..would be a hell of a reception..
Hang on..Happy and Flip..the groomsmen ..
Who are the bridesmaids??


Bridesmaids are hard to come by on this forum :frowning: