Rumour - NRL Considering "Buying" Super League


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Jul 15, 2010
Leipzig Germany
NRL powerbrokers are reportedly considering a bold move to buy the English Super League in what is shaping to be a historic investment.

That is according to The Daily Telegraph who are reporting the NRL have begun investigating the ‘financial viability’ of taking over the rival competition.

Should the NRL be successful in its takeover, players could potentially move between competitions and countries within a single season.

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The NRL is also reportedly considering a ‘sister city program that would see each Super League club align with an Australian team to develop players through a feeder system.

News Corp is reporting a third party reported approached NRL bosses regarding the potential purchase of the Super League.

The potential move comes after the NRL flexed their financial muscles and revealed revenue topping $700 million for the first time in 2023.

The NRL‘s total revenue a record $701.1 million, up more than $100m on the previous year with the league recording a $58m profit and a huge increase in assets to $260 million.

Wigan after winning the 2023 Super League title. Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images

Wigan after winning the 2023 Super League title. Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images
NRL bosses have been on a mission this season to expand the game, taking the season opening clash to Las Vegas and England could be next.

Rugby league legend Matty Johns threw his support behind the move whilst speaking on SEN.

“The rumour I’m hearing, and it’s been mooted a little bit, but it’s getting stronger, is that the NRL are seriously looking to buy the English rugby league,” Johns said.

“(They’ll) move it back to being a winter sport in England, and that way, it broadens the base and adds to the depth of both competitions because players can go over and have guest stints.

“(They’ll) move it back to being a winter sport in England, and that way, it broadens the base and adds to the depth of both competitions because players can go over and have guest stints.

“One of the things that really helped the game over there (in the 1980s) was the likes of Peter Sterling, Brett Kenny, Phil Blake and those guys going over there and having those short stints with Wigan and Leeds and Castleford.

“Let’s imagine if the Roosters are faced with the situation of letting Joey Manu go to French rugby or we let him go and have a stint at Castleford. It’s an opportunity for players to really optimise their income while they’re in the game.

“It helps the English game two-fold with the fact that Wigan send their players over for guest stints, but the other thing that helps them is that guys like Jack Welsby (St Helens fullback) can get their NRL fix and come out and prove themselves but still part of the English competition.”

Would love to hear peoples thoughts on this. My girlfriend is from Hull, and is a rusted on Hull FC supporter. Sent her the article and she was not happy about it.

I think it has potential. Could work both ways in that young guys needing minutes against men could go play a stint in Super League over the off season. Or established stars could scratch the itch of playing overseas without committing to a full season or a long term move.

Whether it happens or not I doubt it, but certainly an interesting discussion.
Would love to hear peoples thoughts on this. My girlfriend is from Hull, and is a rusted on Hull FC supporter. Sent her the article and she was not happy about it.

I think it has potential. Could work both ways in that young guys needing minutes against men could go play a stint in Super League over the off season. Or established stars could scratch the itch of playing overseas without committing to a full season or a long term move.

Whether it happens or not I doubt it, but certainly an interesting discussion.
I don't know how English fans would take to winter games again.
The weather's terrible in summer and some of the crowds, although boisterous and providing a much better atmosphere than Aussie crowds, are very small. If they move it back to winter it could be disastrous.
Either way the NRL needs to tread very carefully and not damage the only other viable domestic comp. in the world.
And finally.......come on Wigan smash those Penriff flogs!
Aren't the players going to demand their rights as humans under the Geneva Convention to an 8 week break at the end of the season anymore.
The poor petals need their holiday ,they have to be protected against themselves. They can't be signing large contracts to play in the off season. Their fragile bodies just won't cope. Surely the Players association would never let that happen?
Obviously successful will be driven by both TV rating and game attendances. If UK fans aren’t behind whatever changes are made it will backfire.
I don't get what the motive is behind this move. Certainly wouldn't be financial as SL has always struggled with a lot of clubs still in the chook raffle state of survival. Then there is the furphy of player exchange. This would only be a good thing if the top players from both comps made guest appearances with the lower clubs but we know that won't happen. And why would you even consider changing it back to a winter sport and pit it against the Premier League and Rugby. The game almost disappeared in England before they changed it to a summer sport. In reality it is a niche sport in the UK - a summer sport for the predominantly north of England.
This has to be a gee up. Ablow and V’Undies could barely sort out the collective bargaining player dispute. They are our version of dumb and dumber, and are currently doing a great job of ruining the NRL. Imagine what they will do with Super League.
The Matty Johns comments make it all sound so simple. He cites the Kenny & Sterlo examples. But back then the $$$ on offer from NSW Rugby League teams was not comparable to the salary of today's full-time player. Plus they both played virtually full seasons - Sterlo played 36 games thru 83-85 (2 seasons) for Hull & Kenny played 25 (1 season) for Wigan in 84-85. Hardly just a few guest appearances. And those included the Challenge Cup matches in 85 ( 5 games each - which I think were mid-week games)
I don't get what the motive is behind this move. Certainly wouldn't be financial as SL has always struggled with a lot of clubs still in the chook raffle state of survival. Then there is the furphy of player exchange. This would only be a good thing if the top players from both comps made guest appearances with the lower clubs but we know that won't happen. And why would you even consider changing it back to a winter sport and pit it against the Premier League and Rugby. The game almost disappeared in England before they changed it to a summer sport. In reality it is a niche sport in the UK - a summer sport for the predominantly north of England.
Yes agreed.... Can only see it benefiting a select few.
Hardly an investment.
Moving it to winter would be a step back... A big step backwards.

I wonder if those NRL. figures are true of If they're lying to us too
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It'll be perfect for Bateman.
He can play the Super League season , then have his mandatory holiday plus his 8 weeks acclimatising and then play the last 2 rounds of the NRL, have another holiday, 8 weeks acclimatizing back to the cold of England and play the last 2 rounds of Super League
Crazy to think they would be able to make it work when they clearly struggle with their own comp here.
Although…the super league could be used as a second division and we can finally see relegation in the NRL. 😉
If we swapped referees i could probably live with it because theirs would have to be an improvement on what we have