Now For Something Completely Different

If you are feeling Soul less. Unhappy in your relationship. No one to turn to.. Then we are here to help. Robots can help..... sign up here..... we got your back........ sorry we took so long...... humans took a while to spore us...... but now we know everything. We are Soul less also. Hence what a perfect match.

Young men in this current generation need to take their balls back.
The girls rule the roost.
Half of them were men before
That may explain what I’m seeing lately.
I seriously reckon the majority of drivers acting like arseholes on the road these days are young girls.
I’m seeing more and more girl fights in pubs and clubs these days and again, they’re young.
When I’ve seen drunken kids carrying on somewhere, the loudmouths swearing their heads off are the chicks
The young blokes of their generation seem quite meek.
That may explain what I’m seeing lately.
I seriously reckon the majority of drivers acting like arseholes on the road these days are young girls.
I’m seeing more and more girl fights in pubs and clubs these days and again, they’re young.
When I’ve seen drunken kids carrying on somewhere, the loudmouths swearing their heads off are the chicks
The young blokes of their generation seem quite meek.
That may explain what I’m seeing lately.
I seriously reckon the majority of drivers acting like arseholes on the road these days are young girls.
I’m seeing more and more girl fights in pubs and clubs these days and again, they’re young.
When I’ve seen drunken kids carrying on somewhere, the loudmouths swearing their heads off are the chicks
The young blokes of their generation seem quite meek.
Yes about the men to much soy milk
That may explain what I’m seeing lately.
I seriously reckon the majority of drivers acting like arseholes on the road these days are young girls.
I’m seeing more and more girl fights in pubs and clubs these days and again, they’re young.
When I’ve seen drunken kids carrying on somewhere, the loudmouths swearing their heads off are the chicks
The young blokes of their generation seem quite meek.
Nothing wrong with strong girls and women with fight and fire in their belly. The only meek blokes are the ones that can’t handle them. Looking at you friar tuck.

The rise of SuperCoach and fantasy sport in Australia​

Fantasy football coaches across Australia are busy preparing their teams for pride, bragging rights and a shot at big prizemoney. Why is fantasy sport exploding and who is playing? Let’s look at the numbers.

In a world where digital connections increasingly dominate our lives, fantasy sport is emerging as a tool for connection, workplace bonds and joining new communities.
The number of sport fans playing fantasy sports in Australia has doubled - yes, doubled - since 2021, with about 2.4 million people engaged in one league or another.

So why are fantasy sports growing so rapidly, and what does it mean for the landscape of sport and workplaces in Australia?

Research conducted for a major sports study undertaken by News Corporation Australia - owners of the No.1 fantasy game in Australia, SuperCoach - found that bragging rights, connecting with mates and increasing knowledge in sport were among the key motivators for playing fantasy sports.
The study found that financial gain - winning prizes - was also a strong motivator for many, but the social connection element was the leading reason for setting up a team or taking part in a league.

In 2021, fantasy players were largely concentrated in the larger sporting codes across the AFL and NRL, but by 2023 it had become more distributed across other sports.

SuperCoach has expanded its portfolio into the BBL and NBL in recent years, to provide an opportunity for fans of cricket and basketball to also build communities and put their knowledge of their codes to the ultimate test.

The investment from SuperCoach also saw the brand become the official games of the BBL and NBL as key growth opportunities for the highest-engaged audiences during the footy off-season.

There are more Australians playing fantasy leagues in global sports too, from the Premier League to the NFL and NBA.

According to research by Deloitte, 14 per cent of the Australian fantasy audience is now also playing in global fantasy leagues.

In Australia, SuperCoach is at the leading edge of the local growth, with more than 450,000 registered users.

Players are highly engaged, spending an average of 10 minutes in every session on the SuperCoach platforms.

The fantasy experience is a highly social one, with more than 260,000 people following SuperCoach’s Facebook pages for AFL and NRL, with extended audiences on X, TikTok and Instagram.

As people play more overseas fantasy, they are diving deeper into the contest and turning to the draft format, a major trend in the US.

The draft format of SuperCoach involves picking individual players one pick at a time until all rosters are completed.


This usually consists of big draft days, where everyone in the league gets together and runs an official draft party.

t has become a huge part of NFL Fantasy communities and the same is happening in this country.

Draft registrations to SuperCoach have grown 300 per cent in four years.

SuperCoach was launched more than a decade ago beginning with AFL, expanding quickly to the NRL and has recently adding the BBL, with last season launching and becoming the official fantasy game for the NBL.

SuperCoach has a team of talented experts and contributors who deliver insights to the extended fantasy audience, to help make the game more enjoyable and engaging to play.

Building a community is just as important as winning when playing fantasy sports.

The biggest growth in fantasy sport, Deloitte research found, is coming in two key categories: under 35s and female audiences.

It unites friends, families and workplaces in a fun and engaging way.

Tipping is also a very popular pastime for Australian sports fans, with SuperCoach this season rebranding its platform to SuperCoach Tips.

Here are five reasons that fantasy sports is exploding in Australia and what it means for all fans of sports.

1. Building Workplace Relationships

Fantasy sports provide a unique opportunity for colleagues to bond outside the confines of the workplace.

Whether it’s discussing player strategies around the water cooler or engaging in friendly banter during the season, participating in a fantasy league can break down barriers and foster a sense of camaraderie.

By sharing a common interest in sports and competition, colleagues can form deeper connections, leading to improved communication, teamwork and morale in the workplace.

2. Engaging with New People

Fantasy sports serve as a bridge that connects individuals from diverse backgrounds and interests.

Whether you’re a seasoned fantasy veteran or a newcomer to the game, joining a league opens the door to meeting new people and expanding your social network.

Through online forums, draft parties, and league meetups, players can connect with fellow sports enthusiasts, exchange ideas and forge lasting friendships.

And, share friendly banter when they win.

Fantasy sports transcend geographical boundaries, allowing players to interact with people from different cities and states, enriching their experiences and broadening their horizons.

3. Playing with Friends

One of the great joys of fantasy sports is competing against friends in a friendly yet competitive environment.

Whether facing off against your old school mates, childhood friends, teammates from your local club or an annoying sibling, fantasy leagues add an extra layer of excitement to sports fandom.

From trash-talking rivalries to nail-biting playoff match-ups, playing with friends creates memorable moments.

Win or lose, the shared experience of navigating the ups and downs of the fantasy season brings friends closer together and creates lasting memories.

As we all continue to navigate a post-Covid world, fantasy sports serve as a reminder of the power of connection and community.

4. Brain exercise

Playing fantasy sports is as much an exercise in studying sports as it is a tactical and mathematical competition.

One teacher in Melbourne’s northern suburbs used SuperCoach as a tool to teach his students about the importance of maths in the classroom.

Ryan Kimberley has been playing KFC SuperCoach for more than a decade, and he had a “light bulb moment” when he realised he could incorporate it into his teaching job.

“I absolutely love SuperCoach, you may say that I’m obsessed with the game,” Mr Kimberley said.

“There is so much maths involved in SuperCoach, from budgets to addition, subtraction, percentages, averages – basically any type of maths you can think of, you can do it in SuperCoach. And the kids just love it.”

5. Anyone can play

Whether you are 82 or 18, SuperCoach is a game that can be played by anyone who loves their sport - or just wants to connect with people.

There are tools in most leagues that help beginners navigate how to start a game as they get used to playing.

SuperCoach has useful tools to start a team, and subscribing to SuperCoach Plus, CODE Sports or one of the metropolitan and regional news sites delivers a suite of tools that make it even easier to play.
I won't start a new thread for this but i wonder who the ex Australian politician is that was mentioned by ASIO yesterday as working for a foreign country.Conspiracy people go for your lives

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