Masada Ioesfa


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2020
Former Panther, Tiger, and Samoan international Masada Iosefa (aka The Mayor of Mounty County) has sadly passed away.
Iosefa played in the NRL between '08-'13 and worked as a youth worker in QLD for Indigenous Development after football.
He was only 32 years old 🙏

Here’s a link to a proper article -

This is very sad. I remember his stint with us, RIP.
That's a total shock.
Any idea of what happened?
A lot of people on here didn't have too much good to say about him, but I actually didn't mind him when he showed a bit of spark at times.
Always got respect for someone that even plays one game at the top level.
Deepest sympathy to his family and those close to him.
R.I.P. mate.

Thanks just saw the post about the quad bike accident.
RIP Masada....sounds like a guy that gave a lot to others in need
“Rest In Peace Maz.”

Tigers great Beau Ryan wrote on Instagram: “Shocked to hear of the sudden passing of the bro Masada. Prayers to his friends and family rn.

“Rest easy Maz.”

Former Test prop Aaron Woods added: “Gone too soon. RIP legend. One of the most solid blokes I played with.”
Met him at a junior rugby league ‘meet the players’ event whilst he was at Penrith. Myself, being a shy young fella and a dummy half, he was the one player that stood out as a real decent fella. He was humorous, laid back, and a little more outside the norm of the regular small talk and general ‘next please’ kind of vibe.

Gone too soon, thinking of his family during this difficult time.
The NRL and Samoan rugby league communities are in mourning following the tragic death of former Penrith and Wests Tigers hooker Masada Iosefa after a quad-bike accident near Darwin.

He suffered fatal injuries after crashing in the Northern Territory rural township of Herbert on Monday night, the day before his 33rd birthday.

The Samoan-born hooker made his NRL debut for the Panthers in 2008, aged 20, and played 43 matches for the club before switching to the Wests Tigers in 2012. He made a further 14 NRL appearances at the Tigers.

Iosefa also represented Samoa in four Tests from 2009-13.

In recent years he played in Queensland for the Capras in the State Cup and turned out for the Rockhampton Brothers Rugby Club in 2020, winning a premiership.

The Samoan Rugby League posted a tribute to Iosefa, describing him as a "tough as nails" player.

Former Panthers and Samoan teammate Frank Pritchard posted a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, writing: "Words can’t describe how I’m feeling right now....

"The Field announcer at the panthers when reading the team list would say at number 9 is the MAYOR OF MOUNTY COUNTY MASADA IOSEFA. #OG Tough as nails, always went hard without any preservation for his body. Never took a step back to any situation.

Wests Tigers hooker Masada Iosefa in 2012.
Wests Tigers hooker Masada Iosefa in 2012.
©NRL Photos
"Always had my back from the get go. My lil uso May you fly high now n kick it till we meet again. #Maz Love you USO."

Another former Panthers teammate, Luke Lewis, responded by posting: "Condolences to his family. Saddened to hear the news this morning. May he Rest In Peace."

Masada Iosefa representing Samoa in 2010.
Masada Iosefa representing Samoa in 2010.
©NRL Photos
His former Wests Tigers teammate, Keith Galloway, posted on social media that he was shocked by the Iosefa tragedy.

"You were hard as nails, and as rock solid as they come. It’s been a few years, but will always remember you bro! You were one of a kind. I’ll remember our road trip up to Newcastle, our nights out, doing social work visits to Parklea and all the laughs. Rest In Peace Maz #masadaiosefa #OG"

Fellow NRL stars Ben Murdoch-Masila, Braith Anasta, Brad Takairangi, Jeremy Smith, Michael Chee Kam, Sam McKendry and Dene Halatau also posted their sympathies to Iosefa's family online.

According to a statement issued by the NT Police, a passer-by discovered the quad-bike crash scene on Mckinlay Road, Herbert and alerted police and emergency services.

"Major Crash detectives attended to investigate the single vehicle crash scene just after 9pm. Initial investigations indicate the man has failed to negotiate a bend, colliding with a guard rail and rolled the bike. The rider was not wearing a helmet.

"Police will now prepare a report for the Coroner."
So sad such a tragic event occurred to a man still in the prime of his live

RIP Masada

Condolences to his family and friends
I've been a long term purveyor of the forum, however in this instance feel almost obliged to add a little bit of something. Some time ago my wife and I attended a Wests Tigers night hosted at Curzon Hall. In attendance that night were many WT luminaries including then coach Tim Sheens, MC Beau Ryan and players Benji Marshall, Aaron Woods, Keith Galloway, Chris Lawrence and Lote Tuiquiri. I should explain that my wife planned this as a surprise, and a total surprise it was indeed. Upon entering the lavish and spacious premises I felt like a kid in a lolli shop. Who could I sidle up to? What famous star would I connect with? Oh the stories I could embellish at work next week.
Well almost upon our entrance into the sumptuous main hall we were met by a spritely young buck wearing a grin from ear to ear. He said all the right things, 'Hi, my name is Masada. I've just changed cats from a panther to a tiger, and if you don't mind me saying mate, you are batting well above your average.' I still vividly recall that opening exchange. He instantly engaged me, not to mention the positive effect he was having on my wife! We chatted for some time before we started discussing football.
My eyes were roving the room and eventually settled on a man mountain enjoying a beer with a fellow front row partner in Keith Galloway. I pulled in closer to Masada and whispered that I'd heard that we had agreed to sign Ray Cashmere to a contract in favour of Big Willie Mason who was available. Admittedly I had consumed a few sherbets by this time and decided to confide in Masada that I regarded this as an altogether wrong decision. Masada was, understandably non committal. We parted ways and I was thinking to myself what an absolute livewire this young Masada Iosefa indeed was.
About 15 minutes later my wife elbowed me in the ribs and said, 'isn't that the young man you were just talking to over there'? Masada was now standing with Ray Cashmere and pointing at me. Ray at the time seemed to have a very dark look upon his brow. I couldn't believe that Masada would just give me up like that, although admittedly Ray was a teammate of his. At 72 kgs wringing wet, and looking up into Ray Cashmere's countenance I was feeling a tad exposed.
It wasn't until about another uncomfortable 15 minutes had passed that Masada bounced up and said, 'hey, I got you didn't I bro.' I replied 'what do you mean, Cashmere's going to kill me'. Masada then said, 'naah, I just told him you didn't like the colour of the tie he was wearing'!
Masada was just so sharp. Nothing like the A-typical NRL footballer. He was so quick witted and one of those guys that you meet and immediately enjoy their company. Gone too soon.
I've been a long term purveyor of the forum, however in this instance feel almost obliged to add a little bit of something. Some time ago my wife and I attended a Wests Tigers night hosted at Curzon Hall. In attendance that night were many WT luminaries including then coach Tim Sheens, MC Beau Ryan and players Benji Marshall, Aaron Woods, Keith Galloway, Chris Lawrence and Lote Tuiquiri. I should explain that my wife planned this as a surprise, and a total surprise it was indeed. Upon entering the lavish and spacious premises I felt like a kid in a lolli shop. Who could I sidle up to? What famous star would I connect with? Oh the stories I could embellish at work next week.
Well almost upon our entrance into the sumptuous main hall we were met by a spritely young buck wearing a grin from ear to ear. He said all the right things, 'Hi, my name is Masada. I've just changed cats from a panther to a tiger, and if you don't mind me saying mate, you are batting well above your average.' I still vividly recall that opening exchange. He instantly engaged me, not to mention the positive effect he was having on my wife! We chatted for some time before we started discussing football.
My eyes were roving the room and eventually settled on a man mountain enjoying a beer with a fellow front row partner in Keith Galloway. I pulled in closer to Masada and whispered that I'd heard that we had agreed to sign Ray Cashmere to a contract in favour of Big Willie Mason who was available. Admittedly I had consumed a few sherbets by this time and decided to confide in Masada that I regarded this as an altogether wrong decision. Masada was, understandably non committal. We parted ways and I was thinking to myself what an absolute livewire this young Masada Iosefa indeed was.
About 15 minutes later my wife elbowed me in the ribs and said, 'isn't that the young man you were just talking to over there'? Masada was now standing with Ray Cashmere and pointing at me. Ray at the time seemed to have a very dark look upon his brow. I couldn't believe that Masada would just give me up like that, although admittedly Ray was a teammate of his. At 72 kgs wringing wet, and looking up into Ray Cashmere's countenance I was feeling a tad exposed.
It wasn't until about another uncomfortable 15 minutes had passed that Masada bounced up and said, 'hey, I got you didn't I bro.' I replied 'what do you mean, Cashmere's going to kill me'. Masada then said, 'naah, I just told him you didn't like the colour of the tie he was wearing'!
Masada was just so sharp. Nothing like the A-typical NRL footballer. He was so quick witted and one of those guys that you meet and immediately enjoy their company. Gone too soon.

Thanks for this memory, champion @BunganHead Tiger.
I felt I was there with you as you told the yarn.
And great words about the real character of the young man.

Can't wait to hear more stories.