Leichhardt Oval - Wall Collapses

Upgrade the joint, give LO the funds otherwise this grand old gal will be condemned and forgotten. Maybe that's what the local gov wants.
Apart from law suits, if several people lost their lives I wonder what would happen.
Can someone enlighten us on who are sitting on their hands?
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More likely to never play a game there again unfortunately. It will probably go through a huge audit of the site now and find a heap of features deemed unsafe.

Might get that upgrade now...
Shouldn’t play any further games there until appropriate upgrades take place.
Weak Penrith minister gives his team 300 mill but the premier can't look after the tigers.
Get Ur shit together
Not to mention the 200 million to buy the land at the trotting track, 500 million all up.

What a joke.

Pretty sure that Lee and Peter V'landys will get plenty of mileage out of this fiasco.
Leichhardt definitely needs an upgrade.

The stadium is a weak gutted dog.
Leichhardt Oval should have been condemned years ago. This type of today’s event was inevitable.

Widow dressing isn’t the answer. Only a major rebuild can save it. .
It's happened at several larger and newer stadiums in the state. In Newcastle and at the old SFS during aleague matches.
Nothing was done about those stadiums. It's just basic maths. You can't have that much weight being pushed up on a thin fence.
I hope IWC sends the bill to Joeys so they can cover the repairs

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