Genuine advice sought…

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He has been in an ad for the Phyzer covid shots...I assume he was paid to advertise it as a sporting figure..
Maybe if you could even spell Pfizer correctly your so called research would be 0.5-1% less laughable!

As a 49er fan & certainly not a bubblegum pop music fan - I have zero time for Travis Kelce or Taylor Swift - but not because he did a Pfizer commercial or any of this utter bullshit!

Aside from the millions of deaths of healthy and immune suppressed people globally,....

The worst long term effects of COVID has been the collective brain damage and mental health decline of a generation of "online medical researchers" who couldn't cope with mask mandatess or lockdowns for the benefit of their communities - and built their entire identities around being victims of a conspiracy!
She is a powerful figure. She made the far right care about football again after they boycotted it after the kneeling controversy. Ironically who were the 49ers. It also meant they were supporting the team from the LGBQT capital of the US. Even more irony.
She has been urging young Americans to enrol to vote because apparently it is not automatic when you turn 18 in the USA as it is here and in other democratic countries.This has made her a target by extremists on the right wing of USA politics
I took my 8 year old niece to see her at the Factory at Marrickville I reckon about 15 years ago. We were front row about a metre away and my niece, who was an absolutely beautiful little girl, ( and still is ) got some plastic beads from Tay Tay. She's still got them.
SMH has a story about the factory concert in 2009.
There's a ballad she wrote with Gary Lightbody from Snow Patrol 10 years or so ago...
It's a fantastic song.

Blokes are meatheads generally when it comes to music.
It's all or nothing....
Very rarely they observe the craft of songwriting when judging a song, Unless of course - The do it themselves.

When blokes work out not all music is about what they love or don't love
- Then the opinion of it will be judged a little more fairly....
As a songwriter myself i'll pay this. A famous saying is that when you're happy you listen to the melody and when you're sad you listen to the lyrics. She covers both of these well. Every woman who has had their heartbroken relates to her songs, then when they cheer up they continue to listen to her poppy dance tunes.
She's a good Artist.

Compared to.a lot of the garbage out there.
This is a valid point. I fully understand that every generation believes that their kids music is the worst that has ever been made but seriously, where do you even go from rubbish like Nikki Minaj??? The mere fact that some of these artists can even call themselves musicians is an absolute travesty!! Taylor is a good songwriter and a decent singer and has come along at a time in history when there is very little competition for the top spot.
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