From some Internet Connections, site still unavailable


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2009
Hi guys,

I have no problem accessing this site from home, but at work, I'm still getting the message about the upgrade to bigger servers, and the homepage mentions you are waiting for the internet to update with the new address.

I work for a large financial services company, so obviously they are not going to update their dns info just because I ask them to. Is it possible to get the old server to redirect to the new server?
The only advice i can offer is to try view it using a proxy? You can use a proxy plugin for firefox.

We can't do anything about the DNS dude… I'm really sorry...
have you clicked refresh??? purged your cache?

honestly it's really odd as everyone should be directed to the new server.

i'll look into it at our end, but by the sounds of it i'd say its something at yours.

try viewing the site from another computer on the same network.
clear cache,cookies,history all that jargon. Should be good as gold then.
I've cleared the history and cache, tried using different machines at work as well as different browsers. I've done all the usual browser stuff. No luck so far.

I can only guess that its still being cached at the proxy server. Which is odd, considering every other website I'm seeing the current versions.

Will try again at work today.
I have the same problem & have tried everything. If you get it to work let me know.
otherwise, use a proxy (search for "proxy browser")
that will at least get you access to the site
At work now, still no luck. Just as I thought proxy browsers are blocked at work.

I think there's definitely a problem at your end, as I have no problems accessing updated versions of any other site, including forums.
It's definitely a problem at our end but the problem is at the DNS level. We moved servers and we have set the domain to point to new nameservers….

For example, I always viewed an old version of the Wests Tigers official site at work because our ISP (Commander / Telstra) hadn't updated their name servers as the site was officially hosted by them.

Have you tried contacting your work ISP?
Ok, just finished speaking with a rep from our host.

Everything has been setup fine, i also ran a few more tests and it does appear to be delegated correctly… also check here" onclick=";return false; it will show the site appear fine across various hosts world wide.

On your computer can you ping or do a traceroute of the address and post the results in some code tags.

The problem has to be either your

* Internet Service Provider or,
* your computer/local network.

Cheers, Mike
Will try and send ping info tonight but a quick summary of what I'm getting so far is hostname cant be found via ping.

Looked up the ip address using a third party site, which came up with\. Pings also fail to this address, the error being ttl expired in transit.

I will try and compare that with results from home tonight.
Forgot to send the ping results to my home email. However, it's not going to explain much as the hostname could not be found. This is completely different to whats happening on my home machine. I think this has more to do with the place I work for blocking pings from inside (they block everything they can!).

I haven't contacted my work ISP as they keep this information from us along with the rest of the network information.
Well, Just go to an internet cafe with the rest of the giberers in the world
@parramatta prichy said:
Well, Just go to an internet cafe with the rest of the giberers in the world

Thanks for the tip genius. However, I think the guys organising this site are actually trying to make this better than the old forum, as opposed to worse.
No luck buddy.

This is probably a long shot given that the site sounds like its hosted by a third party, but is it possible to get to the site using just the ip address rather than the domain?
No point non of the software would work as we are running a bridge between Joomla and phpBB3… which relies on cookies set to the domain...

Have you tried using firefox and foxy proxy?
I haven't tried that so far. Mozilla downloads(and majority of software download sites) and proxy avoidance sites are blocked. They also don't allow bringing in outside software.

I've thought about bringing in the software anyway, but I don't really want to get myself dismissed over something like this!
Dont worry about losing your job ,im looking for a brickies labourer at the moment..?