David Nofoaluma #164

Not on $525K per year!

If you're on that coin - you demand selection and provide a POSITIVE example to the next tier!

He made his ongoing employment untenable...

And can suck it!!
Motivation does not work that way.
You think it does, IT DOES NOT!

Daniel H Pink in his book 'drive' shows exactly what is going on.

For highly intelligent tasks the more you pay the less well the task is done.
For low intelligence/manual tasks, mroe $$$$ works.

For a winger, I expected more our of Nofo. But I reckon we actually pushed pressure on him and changed his motivation from someone who wanted to play footy to someone seeking a pay$$$check.

^Don't do this!
Give people a challenge, I reckon that's why Luai came here. Friends and a challenge.
Motivation does not work that way.
You think it does, IT DOES NOT!

Daniel H Pink in his book 'drive' shows exactly what is going on.

For highly intelligent tasks the more you pay the less well the task is done.
For low intelligence/manual tasks, mroe $$$$ works.

For a winger, I expected more our of Nofo. But I reckon we actually pushed pressure on him and changed his motivation from someone who wanted to play footy to someone seeking a pay$$$check.

^Don't do this!
Give people a challenge, I reckon that's why Luai came here. Friends and a challenge.
I liked the video, subscribe to some of it but not all of it.

I agree with you about Luai, except he was slighted by the Panthers, just not putting the money aside. In that sense and contrary to old mates argument above, they were hoping he’d bought in to the purpose being winning the gf. And it’s the same purpose as years before and he’s done it already.

So I think he came for money plus new experience ( as you say) and certainly a challenge that his presence could lift a club up a bit instead of being part of clearyism where they take the credit and glory.

The other point he raised, the Benji factor, Benji as a friend who is coaching. So in a way, it’s more of partnership than the top down model with Ivan.

I’m sure Benji will be very interested in his ideas and insights personally and be receptive. Sometimes it’s better working with friends not just for them.

He’s actually wise when he agreed with Ivan that he may not yet be tested. Of course, Ivan couldn’t have done much more to help us, probably unwittingly but I think they would have preferred to keep him with funds set aside.

But he didn’t just hammer Ivan, he kind of thought about it. He came across really well, I get the impression that there’s a bit going on upstairs!

And I’m sure he will enjoy reuniting with his old friends. Having API and Luai in the same team again, brings a lump to the back of the throat.

Anyway, good food for thought as these theories are.
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Better he left and we avoid the drama.,
Ultimately this is how I feel as well.

However I question how much blame is on the Nofoaluma and how much is on the club.
Yes, it appears as though he has an attitude issue but attitude is typically the product of the environment. Simply saying "suck it up you're paid well" is easier said than done when he has seemingly had a poor work environment for years.
Also question how much truth there is to Nofoaluma's complaints to the RLPA. If he was truly told he will never play first grade for the club again and singled out with unjust training expectations, then again it is no surprise he would have a bad attitude. It appears just as likely the club was trying to rid themselves of a poor contract, moreso than Nofoaluma being the problem.
It additionally could be simply Marshall having a personal dislike of Nofoaluma. He used to have a reputation for being quite vindictive.
Not saying any of the above is or isn't accurate. I just think there is just too much grey area to jump on the Nofo hate train.
Anyways, he's gone now and ultimately I think the club is better for it whomever is to blame for how his time with the club ended.
Hopefully a positive for the club. However I find it a bit puzzling why an (un named) player was sent to Nofo's house to do a welfare check ? Nofo said he was suffering from gastro - so surely someone with a bit of medical knowledge should have been sent to do the check ie the club doctor.
A welfare check isn't about verifying that the player is telling the truth about whatever's wrong with them - it's to make sure they're alright. Nofo called in sick and the club accepted that, as it should. But as part of that he was required to respond to contact from the club while off sick, which he didn't do. So they sent a peer round to make sure he was ok.

With the Tigers' history this seems very sensible: imagine if a player with acknowledged or at least implied mental health issues had done something rash and the club hadn't checked in on him - not to mention it being the right thing to do. They send a player rather than someone medical specifically because a welfare check isn't meant to be challenging the player's self-reported medical issue.
Agreed. It is good that he is gone, but it’s not something to revel in. Almost seems a waste to have played here for a decade, establish yourself as a fan favourite (which he was around 2016/17), become the leading try scorer, then to have the supporter base turn on you. We need more stories like Chris Lawrence.
Speaking of which now Lee gone do you think Chris might return, at least as a spectator.
Top quality player who unfortunately suffered a couple of horrific injuries !
A welfare check isn't about verifying that the player is telling the truth about whatever's wrong with them - it's to make sure they're alright. Nofo called in sick and the club accepted that, as it should. But as part of that he was required to respond to contact from the club while off sick, which he didn't do. So they sent a peer round to make sure he was ok.

With the Tigers' history this seems very sensible: imagine if a player with acknowledged or at least implied mental health issues had done something rash and the club hadn't checked in on him - not to mention it being the right thing to do. They send a player rather than someone medical specifically because a welfare check isn't meant to be challenging the player's self-reported medical issue.

Correct. Nofo ignored the club doctor was ignored for 48 hours anyway so it was obvious he didn't want to speak to them. Anyone can go and do a welfare check, doesn't have to be a psychologist. Best you send someone they get along with too so if they are in a bad way they have a sympathetic ear.
Playing out wide is a horrible place to be when your team struggles in the middle.

I take my hat off to Nofoaluma. Local junior, 100 tries, nearly 200 games. Never shirked the hard yards.

Many of us on the forum suffer from short memories. It's easy to forget that the bloke was often referred to by commentators as one of the best wingers in the game in his prime.

No doubt it would have been easy for him to throw in the towel (like others did) during some of the tough years and take an easier gig.

He was always a favourite of my extended family when we got together to watch a game. We'll always look back fondly on his career.

Thanks for the memories Noffa!
Nofa has had a false sense of his own importance since he became the chairman's pinup boy. He clearly didnt buy in to the change of direction, agreed to give up a massive amount of money to walk away - if that doesn't say enough about where he is at and why we are better off I don't know what does. The outcome is all on the back of the decisions/actions Nofa made himself while the rest of the contracted players have been focussing on preseason training.
Nofa has had a false sense of his own importance since he became the chairman's pinup boy. He clearly didnt buy in to the change of direction, agreed to give up a massive amount of money to walk away - if that doesn't say enough about where he is at and why we are better off I don't know what does. The outcome is all on the back of the decisions/actions Nofa made himself while the rest of the contracted players have been focussing on preseason training.
I agree.
Surprise surprise .. no club is interested in picking up Nofoaluma .. lol

Calm down, It's been a day....
I'm glad he's gone as much as the next bloke, But anyone who thinks he won't get a gig has clouded vision...

Cast your mind back to Robert Jennings laying on the ground last year waiting for someone to come and tackle him and remember he has a contract.... Zac Cini is under Contract at Parra....

Nof is far from what I want for the Tigers in a starting Winger, But he's far from the worst Winger in the comp.
One thing I wil never understand is how people can still conflate someone’s personality with their attributes as a player. Its something I’d expect from ten year olds, not grown men that have been watching the game 30-40 years.
One thing I wil never understand is how people can still conflate someone’s personality with their attributes as a player. Its something I’d expect from ten year olds, not grown men that have been watching the game 30-40 years.

Because their personalities off the field can (And do) affect on field performances...
In this specific case, Are you saying that
- A bloke that takes to twitter to throw his team mates under the bus
- Complains to the Union that work is too hard
- Turns up to work Drunk, Or doesn't turn up at all....
(All personality flaws)
Is the kind of bloke that gets 100% out of himself on the park?

In this case, Are you claiming that we've been getting 100% of David Nofoalumas ability in the last few years?
I enjoyed watching Corey Thompson play for us more than I've ever enjoyed watching Nof.

Nof has always had enough talent to have a long career, He's never been or ever likely to be a top line Winger, But I've never doubted he'd be around the game for a decade or so.....

Unfortunately, his personality (The same Personality he's always had)
has made him always think he's better than what he is.... And his personality is what stops him from putting in the work to have him being as good as he possibly could.
There are plenty of people in this world that are top blokes, But sh*t employees....

I would also clue you in, You learn more about someone's personality when monitoring them in a professional environment than you ever will by saying a quick hello and grabbing a photo with them out the front of the Stadium.

He's been demoted by every 1st Grade coach he's ever had,
And sacked by his newest Coach - Who's known him since he was a baby... And helped kick off his career...

If it's not his personality mate, What is it?
Because their personalities off the field can (And do) affect on field performances...
In this specific case, Are you saying that
- A bloke that takes to twitter to throw his team mates under the bus
- Complains to the Union that work is too hard
- Turns up to work Drunk, Or doesn't turn up at all....
(All personality flaws)
Is the kind of bloke that gets 100% out of himself on the park?

In this case, Are you claiming that we've been getting 100% of David Nofoalumas ability in the last few years?
I enjoyed watching Corey Thompson play for us more than I've ever enjoyed watching Nof.

Nof has always had enough talent to have a long career, He's never been or ever likely to be a top line Winger, But I've never doubted he'd be around the game for a decade or so.....

Unfortunately, his personality (The same Personality he's always had)
has made him always think he's better than what he is.... And his personality is what stops him from putting in the work to have him being as good as he possibly could.
There are plenty of people in this world that are top blokes, But sh*t employees....

I would also clue you in, You learn more about someone's personality when monitoring them in a professional environment than you ever will by saying a quick hello and grabbing a photo with them out the front of the Stadium.

He's been demoted by every 1st Grade coach he's ever had,
And sacked by his newest Coach - Who's known him since he was a baby... And helped kick off his career...

If it's not his personality mate, What is it?
Brilliant response.

Couldn't give a shit if he scored 100 tries for us. His hearts not in it and if they're not playing for the jersey they can jog on.

Also, not everyone is emotionally dead inside like GNR. It's not unusual for sports fans to turn on players who aren't putting in or treating their club with contempt, ask Green Bay fans what they think of Aaron Rodgers, even after he's delivered them a Superbowl.
Playing out wide is a horrible place to be when your team struggles in the middle.

I take my hat off to Nofoaluma. Local junior, 100 tries, nearly 200 games. Never shirked the hard yards.

Many of us on the forum suffer from short memories. It's easy to forget that the bloke was often referred to by commentators as one of the best wingers in the game in his prime.

No doubt it would have been easy for him to throw in the towel (like others did) during some of the tough years and take an easier gig.

He was always a favourite of my extended family when we got together to watch a game. We'll always look back fondly on his career.

Thanks for the memories Noffa!
He always managed to find the try line when given half a chance. I enjoyed seeing him centre of the team song at wins. No hard feelings. No, his defence was never spectacular and was caught out of position regularly but agree, being on the receiving of some average plays was not his fault and took a toll.
Only one of those players was on $525k a year for 2024 and 2025, though.
Only one of those players can catch a ball.
Hint: Flippers for hands.

But yeah $525k for an average winger 🤦‍♂
We got done on that deal and it has cost us and him. We should’ve stuck to our guns at $350 and he’d be at parra reserve grade on $500.
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Agreed - and that point clearly demonstrates why it was critical to move swiftly to cut off the pro-rata passive annual income for this parasite...

You forgot or dismissed Tupou and Toa as wing options in our top 30 though
Understand...not sure whether Toa,who has considerable talent if he chose to apply himself,is quick enuff for wing nor gr8 under the high ball tbh.But hes a wing back up for sure.That means Naden to centres
As is Tupou a backup for this year..what Id call a "project"player who cost at least one dropped high ball per game(and 6 points invariably),but we persevered with because maybe one day.....
Now that one day will be with the Dolphins(if ever),so he truly is a backups backup!
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