The Sad Dragon


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2009
Campbelltown, NSW, Australia
So some of you may have seen these on facebook, but I thought that they should also be put on here.

The first was done to celebrate the Tigers win, the second to celebrate the 4 straight losses, and the third represents the Dragons 8 losses this year (no. 2 doesn't have a caption as I couldn't think of one at the time.



In no.4, the Dragons view of the beautiful and calm Illawarra Ocean has also turned against him.


Sadly no further versions were able to be added before the beginning of the finals.

However that doesn't mean that there cannot be any new ones during the finals!!!


And the end has come

Love it Craegus
Good to see the Dragon is overlooking the Illawarra Ocean while pondering his situation
@Kaiser said:
bahahahaha shear brilliance mate! Love the Titans character! Looks awesome

That was the hardest character to find, 'cause who draws Titans??? , but thankfully he (originally an image of a spartan warrior) turned out really well once recoloured and slightly modified.

@happy tiger said:
Good to see the Dragon is overlooking the Illawarra Ocean while pondering his situation

I didn't even think of that when I found the image. I just thought that it made the scene look even more dramatic with the dragon staring off into the distance. But the Illawarra Ocean bit fits in really well to the whole story.

@Flippedy said:
Hahaha love the shark in the fish bowl :laughing:

Well it was either that or a tiny version out at sea where it could hardly be seen. But yeah I quite like that bit.

@Cultured Bogan said:
You need Bennett running off into the distance out that window with two bags of cash in each hand :laughing:

Well though that would be true for this year, the whole scene really represents a long history of sadness and choking.
They are some of your best Craegus .Awesome contribution to the forum mate.
That quality work should be forwarded to every mate who is a Dragon fan… I will be forwarding it onto my brother in the morning .
Awesome work craegus..
My Father in law and a few of my mates are dragons supporters and it's always sweet to see them struggling.
Doesn't hold the same lol value that it once did, but still a favourite of mine
