Terrible ref

no need to mention gender she is “considered” a professional and is paid to do a job. Refereeing was conducted in a poor and referee should be dropped back to a level where performance can be assessed. Only when performance is deemed to have improved, only when this has occurred only then shall referee earn the right to return to top level. Unfortunately the NRL will continue to damage the brand if this amateur referee at an elite level. USELESS
Unfortunately that word is an easy win people trying to virtue signal , rather than face the facts .
Whilst I admit , I was furious with her on Saturday , I’ve been just as angry if not more so at the Sutton army , as well as thier best friend Klein for a lot longer .
For me my main issue with her is her demeanour . She has a sense of arrogance and condescension , and the way she dismissed our captain on Saturday repeatedly , who had genuine grievances with her officiating , was just not professional IMO. It came across as spite and come-uppance , which in turn contributed to the fact the players began to undermine her . She missed the golden rule with officiating at that level . Mutual respect . And in turn , the players and many of us fans as a by product gave her the same lack of respect . It was a shit show IMO . And everyone looked bad .
@Lestronge many other ref's have shown that arrogance and lack of respect currently & in the past... I agree with you it's hard to receive respect when you don't show it.

Adam Gee currently is one, Klein does it a bit but not too much, Steven Clark was terrible.
Checchin was a good ref and went with the flow sometime he too seemed a bit arrogant... Last thing we need is a woman with a chip on her shoulder in control of games... But I guess there's always gonna be one side in the day don't have a problem with her

She ruined the game and lost control with her disrespect playing a part... I've seen it many times when a ref's outta their depth and have lost respect,. Both side try to take advantage but only one gets the calls,. Frustration creeps in from the other side and it eventually explodes with 2 or 3 sitting down

Ironic Abdo is saying he backs the refs and they should be given more respect and not blames for these events... But its OK for him to blame the players when it's the ref making way too many errors.. They often use that excuse that players make mistakes and thats true, but both Abdo and Annesley today both totally disregarded the extremely high number of captain challenges that were correct in this game proving that she was making error after error and way outta her depth
Fair enough if you think we were dudded, but the victim complex some of you have, believing the NRL is out to get us is hysterical. As if we are some kind of threat and not our own worst enemy most of the time. It’s a bit delusional thinking that’s what our problem is.
I don't think there is any surprises about the reaction by the NRL on the back of Casey B's performance. They have to back her for all the reasons already identified by fans in the society we now live in.
I admire her courage to take on a difficult and most scrutinized role - all refs - need to have resolve but equality in society will only ever be accepted if the standards applied to all are held up fairly - i.e. a bad performance by any ref comes with consequences/ownership.
If fans don't see this as the case they will continue to react the way they have despite the NRL's messages of showing respect for refs - fans are passionate about their teams first and foremost. - and if NRL they think they will overlook a poor performance of any ref so the NRL can appear to support a societal expectation they are fooling themselves.
@Lestronge many other ref's have shown that arrogance and lack of respect currently & in the past... I agree with you it's hard to receive respect when you don't show it.

Adam Gee currently is one, Klein does it a bit but not too much, Steven Clark was terrible.
Checchin was a good ref and went with the flow sometime he too seemed a bit arrogant... Last thing we need is a woman with a chip on her shoulder in control of games... But I guess there's always gonna be one side in the day don't have a problem with her

She ruined the game and lost control with her disrespect playing a part... I've seen it many times when a ref's outta their depth and have lost respect,. Both side try to take advantage but only one gets the calls,. Frustration creeps in from the other side and it eventually explodes with 2 or 3 sitting down

Ironic Abdo is saying he backs the refs and they should be given more respect and not blames for these events... But its OK for him to blame the players when it's the ref making way too many errors.. They often use that excuse that players make mistakes and thats true, but both Abdo and Annesley today both totally disregarded the extremely high number of captain challenges that were correct in this game proving that she was making error after error and way outta her depth
Agree 💯 mate . I couldn’t define my argument on Saturday through the rage , which is pretty much in line with what you said. .
It does irritate me though , the narrative spin to misogyny, as a way to shift the attention .
I’m pretty sure there was no misogyny when we got screwed against the cowboys . Or even the titans a few months before that.
I understand it’s a hard job , there is a way to get respect and earn respect without coming across as a weak person trying to say “I’m the boss” .
Harrigan , Tim Mander , I didn’t mind Chechin , I found him fair (I wonder if the quiet slights and underhanded snickers about his sexuality got to him ) , ironically Badgers husband was a good one as well .
I understand she has toiled away for not much reward , and now she is here she has something to prove , but IMO , that should mean she is the last person who should be picked for an NRL game . Because it’s about her not the performance .
Harrigan mostly did a good job of toeing the line between it being about him and the spectacle , and actually built a reputation where the better the spectacle was the better his performance was judged .
Now it’s about micromanaging and nitpicking rule interpretations that just arnt in the spirit of the game . And it’s said before but I’m going to say it again , you can tell these refs never played the game at a reasonable level / at all , because there’s a reason everyone who isn’t a ref interprets many of thier decisions the exact opposite way .
I dont care whether that ref today was male or female .. that ref was incompetent .. lacked the vision .. lacked ability to control the game .. !! Was that ref upset with the Tigers because we let Gav Badger go from our coaching staff .. ?? The Dogs were offside for a full set of 6 in defence on the blind side and ref never looked there once and the Dogs constantly jammed in our 1st receiver because they were offside. Dogs conned the ref all game ..always walking off the mark when tackled and make sure our markers then interfered with the play of ball and they were awarded 6 again time after time because they walking off the mark. For the life of me how the ball was called forward when the Fox dived on it close to the sideline .. how the ref and lines-person missed that is beyond belief .. !! We 3 times challenged the ref's discission's and won .. just shows the ref had no idea of what they were calling. There was tackle on us when the called held .. then Creigton came in from the side barreled into our player on the ground from the side .. it was late .. it was dangerous and the ref did nothing. There was a moment in the game when you can hear John Bateman asking the ref why we didnt get penalty for something .. and you can hear the ref say ... ohhh i cant see everything .. then John says .. but its the player with the ball aren't you watching that. How the hell can Mahoney stay on the field when he comes running in as the 3rd or 4th person into a scuffle and escalates the whole thing. When Seyfarth was given 10 .. so should have Mahoney. That ref should never control a NRL game every again .. a shocking display of control and whistle blowing. Rant over.
The off side is 100% correct , I mentioned it to the wife during the game she looks on side only and the opposition already know it as the creep up on the blind side , Also forward passes , she can’t judge them at all ' there were multiple in the game , , players are getting coached to test the rules and refs every game except out guys ,we get tackled get up play the ball , Broncos and storm players roll or take 2 steps forward once up or getting up to play the ball every time they get tackled , 2 steps = 2 mtrs x say 200 tacked broncos = 400 free metres gained in the game , forward passes , Off side k Holding down , it’s very poor
I don't think there is any surprises about the reaction by the NRL on the back of Casey B's performance. They have to back her for all the reasons already identified by fans in the society we now live in.
I admire her courage to take on a difficult and most scrutinized role - all refs - need to have resolve but equality in society will only ever be accepted if the standards applied to all are held up fairly - i.e. a bad performance by any ref comes with consequences/ownership.
If fans don't see this as the case they will continue to react the way they have despite the NRL's messages of showing respect for refs - fans are passionate about their teams first and foremost. - and if NRL they think they will overlook a poor performance of any ref so the NRL can appear to support a societal expectation they are fooling themselves.
The issue is the redefinition of the word “equality”.
“Equality”no longer means equality , corporately. Social justice warriors have blurred the lines now , so everyone is wary of any criticism.
It would really suck IMO if you were an advocate for civil rights 30-40 years ago , and just simply wanted to be treated fairly and equitable , for it to turn into what is now a mockery of that original idea . Many of the new constructs around this are written by the very people who would have been viewed the “oppressors ” half a century ago .
A lot of the time it’s viewed as disingenuous and patronising , because you know ……. It is .
And it sucks because you have Sharpe over there doing a good job , just plugging away , and fully deserving of her opportunity and embracing it . But has Casey Badger seriously put in an nrl standard performance yet in the years she’s been given the green light ?
And if not ? Then why is she in the nrl ?
I personally , honestly , want her to succeed . I don’t see any reason why she can’t be a success in the nrl , but here’s the thing , she will NEVER EVER succeed , if she continues to put in these performances for no accountability .
It will lead to contempt from both the players and other officials within the game … which will breed resentment and ultimately give her zero chance of ever being in control of a game .
There’s a baseball umpire in the MLB who was originally a diversity hire , for lack of a better word , due to being Hispanic .
He is literally the worst umpire to ever call a game of MLB , and many of the all in brawls and really bad situations recently in the last 10-15 years have been directly from his disgraceful umpiring .
And yes he was a pioneer at the time , a time long since passed , due to the fact that most of MLB is littered with Hispanic people in various jobs ,where words like diversity no longer need to be used , but man … if the MLB had thier time again there’s no chance in hell they’d pick that bum to be the first through the door .
I feel that’s the path Casey could be on ….
I dont care whether that ref today was male or female .. that ref was incompetent .. lacked the vision .. lacked ability to control the game .. !! Was that ref upset with the Tigers because we let Gav Badger go from our coaching staff .. ?? The Dogs were offside for a full set of 6 in defence on the blind side and ref never looked there once and the Dogs constantly jammed in our 1st receiver because they were offside. Dogs conned the ref all game ..always walking off the mark when tackled and make sure our markers then interfered with the play of ball and they were awarded 6 again time after time because they walking off the mark. For the life of me how the ball was called forward when the Fox dived on it close to the sideline .. how the ref and lines-person missed that is beyond belief .. !! We 3 times challenged the ref's discission's and won .. just shows the ref had no idea of what they were calling. There was tackle on us when the called held .. then Creigton came in from the side barreled into our player on the ground from the side .. it was late .. it was dangerous and the ref did nothing. There was a moment in the game when you can hear John Bateman asking the ref why we didnt get penalty for something .. and you can hear the ref say ... ohhh i cant see everything .. then John says .. but its the player with the ball aren't you watching that. How the hell can Mahoney stay on the field when he comes running in as the 3rd or 4th person into a scuffle and escalates the whole thing. When Seyfarth was given 10 .. so should have Mahoney. That ref should never control a NRL game every again .. a shocking display of control and whistle blowing. Rant over.
A case of ‘hell knows no fury….’ 😂
actually you could be onto something. We have a large number of ex disgruntled Tigers staff/players etc and you can double that number with spouses who are not going to give us a leg up. 😂
If the club planned for the team to be cellar dwellers it’s at least one thing they’ve done right.
The issue is the redefinition of the word “equality”.
“Equality”no longer means equality , corporately. Social justice warriors have blurred the lines now , so everyone is wary of any criticism.
It would really suck IMO if you were an advocate for civil rights 30-40 years ago , and just simply wanted to be treated fairly and equitable , for it to turn into what is now a mockery of that original idea . Many of the new constructs around this are written by the very people who would have been viewed the “oppressors ” half a century ago .
A lot of the time it’s viewed as disingenuous and patronising , because you know ……. It is .
And it sucks because you have Sharpe over there doing a good job , just plugging away , and fully deserving of her opportunity and embracing it . But has Casey Badger seriously put in an nrl standard performance yet in the years she’s been given the green light ?
And if not ? Then why is she in the nrl ?
I personally , honestly , want her to succeed . I don’t see any reason why she can’t be a success in the nrl , but here’s the thing , she will NEVER EVER succeed , if she continues to put in these performances for no accountability .
It will lead to contempt from both the players and other officials within the game … which will breed resentment and ultimately give her zero chance of ever being in control of a game .
There’s a baseball umpire in the MLB who was originally a diversity hire , for lack of a better word , due to being Hispanic .
He is literally the worst umpire to ever call a game of MLB , and many of the all in brawls and really bad situations recently in the last 10-15 years have been directly from his disgraceful umpiring .
And yes he was a pioneer at the time , a time long since passed , due to the fact that most of MLB is littered with Hispanic people in various jobs ,where words like diversity no longer need to be used , but man … if the MLB had thier time again there’s no chance in hell they’d pick that bum to be the first through the door .
I feel that’s the path Casey could be on ….
Everything wrong with Western Societies today can be attributed to 3 words…
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
DEI is ruining companies and organisations by focusing on a perceived fairness rather than selecting those most deserving and qualified.
Everything wrong with Western Societies today can be attributed to 3 words…
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
DEI is ruining companies and organisations by focusing on a perceived fairness rather than selecting those most deserving and qualified.

Holman Barnes Group pull support for Wests Tigers fan podcast over referee criticism​

Did she lose control of the game, yes. however, I believe some onus has to be put on the players. They were acting appalling and hindered her ability to do her job. The same happens with the male refs. we got some dud calls but the attacks on Badger are pathetic. She is a competent ref and had a bad game, move on. no one is perfect. Our best refs have poor officiating games now and then. They are humans, not robots.
I don't blame the ref.
I blame the NRL for appointing her to a job she isn't capable of doing as a marketing exercise to increase it's viewer base.
I don’t disagree TP but it’s hard for her to gain experience without refereeing. It’s a catch 22.
Let’s face it, quite a bit of the evolution of female rugby league( players and refs) has been a major marketing exercise.
So does that mean female refs are consigned to female football only or is there going to be more crossover. I hope to see one of our top male refs handling the NRLW grand final, in the not too distant future.
The same thing happened in racing, once upon a time female jockeys were regarded as a sideshow by trainers and punters, but they are now fully recognised across Australia. It took a while, but it did happen.
Remember Ipap at Parra? How much of a monster he was? Idk why Sua would be any different if he came here.
It's called pressure to stay in the run on side--------or pressure to be better and displace the incumbent!
We need that back up, better bench warmers to squeeze the extra 1 % effort from the incumbent.
The off side is 100% correct , I mentioned it to the wife during the game she looks on side only and the opposition already know it as the creep up on the blind side , Also forward passes , she can’t judge them at all ' there were multiple in the game , , players are getting coached to test the rules and refs every game except out guys ,we get tackled get up play the ball , Broncos and storm players roll or take 2 steps forward once up or getting up to play the ball every time they get tackled , 2 steps = 2 mtrs x say 200 tacked broncos = 400 free metres gained in the game , forward passes , Off side k Holding down , it’s very poor
I don't think it is just Broncos and Storm players that take the extra steps before playing the ball, they all do it, but I do know that it continually annoys me.

What ever happened to getting penalized for walking off the mark, at worst they get told to go back a step or 2 and play the ball or even worse still they interfere with the marker sometimes causing the marker to get off balance and even getting penalized for not being square, it's just total bullshit.

I don't really want to see 20 penalties a game for it but players should be told to go back to the mark to play the ball and warned that if they continue to do it they will be penalized for continued infringements.

If our markers stand their ground I'm sure we get penalized for crowding, interference in the ruck or some other obscure ruling that Anusly comes up with on Monday.

I think we should start pushing the envelope and test some of these rules starting with this one, our markers should stop the opposition from taking those extra steps forward, even fall over when they move forward before playing the ball to emphasize what is happening and bring it to a head.
Fair enough if you think we were dudded, but the victim complex some of you have, believing the NRL is out to get us is hysterical. As if we are some kind of threat and not our own worst enemy most of the time. It’s a bit delusional thinking that’s what our problem is.
When was the last time a game-defining decision went our way?
Did she lose control of the game, yes. however, I believe some onus has to be put on the players. They were acting appalling and hindered her ability to do her job. The same happens with the male refs. we got some dud calls but the attacks on Badger are pathetic. She is a competent ref and had a bad game, move on. no one is perfect. Our best refs have poor officiating games now and then. They are humans, not robots.
What're your metrics for competent?

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