So…where to from here? 🤔

Three thoughts that face reality without surrendering to despair.

we have a forward pack that gets us in position to score. Nice.

We have an early and clear answer as to how a number of our backs perform with a decent forward pack. So it’s time to experiment with new combinations (eg Laurie in the halves), blood new players and change personnel. We will win games but don’t expect a great year.

Next off season be like the dolphins and talk about our weaknesses. How it’s an uneven playing field etc. Then turn on an ambush. Isn’t that the spirit of wests and balmain?
Where to from here
1. Don't Panic as much
2. Don't overreact
3. The problems in eek 1 and 2 are actually very different to last year as is the style of play
4. Complete more sets and make less errors - this has been the major issue
5. Remember the positives - Leading the comp in Penalties Conceded, Offloads, Decoys, Line Engagements. Top 3 in the comp for Tackle breaks, run meters, dummy half runs, 4th for possession and 5th for line breaks.
17th for set completion rate at 67% yikes
Where to from here
1. Don't Panic as much
2. Don't overreact
3. The problems in eek 1 and 2 are actually very different to last year as is the style of play
4. Complete more sets and make less errors - this has been the major issue
5. Remember the positives - Leading the comp in Penalties Conceded, Offloads, Decoys, Line Engagements. Top 3 in the comp for Tackle breaks, run meters, dummy half runs, 4th for possession and 5th for line breaks.
... I think it's funny the typo says "eek 1 and 2"...

But I'm not the most mature guy, and at this stage I'll take anything that gives the slightest joy!
Liddles performance today was twice that of Korisau and shows just how beneficial a change of scenery can be for some players... The club has failed Brooks and all the players... So many move on and shine yet others come here and are dragged down to our crap level
Further on this line of thought……
Many (not all) players leave this club and are better performing players in other teams - also many players playing well at other clubs come to the Tigers and perform poorly.
There has to be a reason for this anomaly. Why does it happen??
There is something about the club that does not breed or attract success.
The saying that comes to mind is “it’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’re surrounded by pigeons”. Api is a perfect example.
Wooden spoon, here we come. We may even make history with 0 wins by the end of the season.
If the losses keep mounting Sheens will be under enormous pressure and will likely get punted again. Is anyone really seeing light at the end of the tunnel with Benji and Robbie as coaches who have zero experience and haven't even coached a junior team as yet? I think we're in for even greater pain if we're not careful. I'd love for them to learn off Sheens to get their start but they need to do a proper apprenticeship coaching lower grade teams for certain amount of time.
Is Sheens Head of Football Operations and Head Coach ?
Maybe he can sack himself 😂 But in all seriousness ,if there is no changes to this weeks squad some serious questions need to be asked,Tigers fans can see it ,Opposing teams can see it.
We can’t roll out that same spine and expect to put points on,we’ve played the two weakest teams in the competition,whilst getting rub of the green and at our supposed “fortress”.
Our pack has done it’s job,regardless of a stupid amount of errors they have got us to attacking positions,and defended strong in the middle.
We can’t roll out that same spine and expect to put points on

The problem is that there aren't many options and admitting you stuffed it up so early in the season is hard to do.

I think they'll stick with the team and at some point they'll get it together but it looks like being a long season. We don't have the class in key positions and we don't have anyone who can come in and provide that class.
The problem is that there aren't many options and admitting you stuffed it up so early in the season is hard to do.

I think they'll stick with the team and at some point they'll get it together but it looks like being a long season. We don't have the class in key positions and we don't have anyone who can come in and provide that class.
I agree ,and I also don’t think they’ll make any changes.
It’s going to build a lot of pressure on Sheens and Benji.
Fans losing interest after 2 games with our best recruitment drive arguably ever is a disaster for the club.
Hey everyone 👋🏽

It’s been years since I’ve posted on here and some members may remember me or not from the earlier forum days. (basically same username but can’t seem to access my old account 😂 damn shame…)

I still check in to read the forum posts but today, I would like to my thoughts on here.

So! I digress, Today was the case of not being shown up by the opponent, this was our team being shown up by their own errors and sub par performance. I guess the only thing consistent since 2011 but today’s performance has surely got to be up there was the worst. Didn’t think the loss right at FT last season at the Gold Coast could take the cake but I stand corrected!

I have to ask…

Is it too much to get a forum between us fans, members, the board, the captain and coaching staff? I just feel that the fans’ voices needed to be heard, it’s the least that can be done, surely?

Our team hasn’t seen finals footy since 2011 and yet, the prices of tickets to our home games or memberships seem to rise, why? What justifies the increase or high prices to support a team that doesn’t match it.

Where is this flair in attack supposed to come from? From what I’ve seen, the team seems so stagnant, not supporting enough, not looking enthused out there…

What are the coaches and management seeing that we aren’t when it comes to Brooks? Nothing personally on the guy but he needs a fresh start elsewhere and we do from him. Has he failed us or have we failed him? Is it both ways? But every moment of something that may be great (which today was the break) there’s a raft of errors riddled in his game. It’s beyond chances now. When he was sidelined, the team turned it around, was that just coincidence last season? What are our options? Is Wakefield the solution?

I’m also not convinced on Daine Laurie, he’s shown flashes of being brilliant in open plays but I feel he gets handled too easy when running the ball back because of his physical stature and that leads me to wondering…

Do we have any juniors to bring up? Is there someone we can make a play for coming off contract cause while we recruited well, we still have some way to go and that is identifying a fullback and solid halves to build on (depending on Doueihi)

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. (/rant…)

P.S: apologies if it’s scattered!
I sent an email to all the available emails on the wests tigers website with links to the juiciest threads berating them. Including some of my own posts.

Because yeah, I agree. They have to start listening to the fans or acknowledge their own stupidity is behind the last 11 years of no finals football.
Back to basics. Get through your sets - yep even 5 hit ups and a decent kick chase - just like the best teams do every week until they create an attacking opportunity - and then let the halves see if they can lead some attacking structures. They need to learn how to play together not opposite sides of the field
I assume you're talking about the last second field goal attempt?
It was so frantic it didnt need to be time had elapsed it was the wrong side of the field for a left foot attempt plus AD has a bigger boot. Why not after the penalty roost the ball as far down field as possible set up for AD to take the shot. It didnt have to be done at a million miles an hour, but it was and its another example of poor in game management. It was a hail Mary at best but like everything could have been done so much better had someone had an actual footy brain out there.
Had to be a 2 pointer....... Outside the 40m... 1 point fg no good to us
Where to from here eh?

Well it’s off to Belmore next Sunday to get a stomping off a squad who just beat the Storm in Melbourne. It will also be their first home game, so big vocal crowd expected to come and watch their new team.

The following week we go to Melbourne to take on a side embarrassed at home this weekend and surely looking to make a statement in front of their faithful. Oh and they will likely be celebrating the return of Cam Munster as well.

We will then scrape ourselves off the pavement and travel to Suncorp to cop an arse reaming from the in form side of the comp so far., jam packed with fast freakish ball runners and a tireless pack.

and let’s not forget…Easter Monday v Parra who have had us pencilled in for a belting since Papali’i left and we so publically chased Moses.

Looking forward to the round 7 bye and our first competition points…
Sad outlook, but certainly looking that way T. Can’t see how we are going to pull ourselves out of this hole against quality opposition.
Let’s face it Titans and Knights not anywhere near the top of the tree but couldn’t beat either at home.
It may turn out to be a godsend if LO is lost to the NRL, or otherwise we need some sort of voodoo cleansing ritual .

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