Short Turnaround


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2011
For the second time this year we line up against the Bulldogs and for the second time this year they have the full 7 day break and we get 5 ( or 6 and 4 whichever way you want to look at it). I know it happens to all teams at different points, except the Broncos, but surely the NRL could look at this schedule with a bit more scrutiny and try to even it out a bit. It might not sound like a big deal but when you break down the days and realise day one is basically recovery and any minor injuries may need a few days to come good, it doesn't leave a lot of time for preparation as a team.
If wests-tigers are good enough, they will beat the bulldogs, not themselves.
oh please don't start with the short turn around rubbish excuse starting to sound like Tim Sheens, God I hate that Excuse it didn't worry the cowgirls one bit they finished stronger after playing Monday Night

This team has a Culture for choking leads always has always will, it is what it is
@Tigertigertiger said:
We will be leading and getting run down…

halftime/fulltime bet is usually $6/7

Haha, I might wait until we lead by 20 then dial in a phone bet and take the dogs at huge odds.. Of course that would be massive overs in reality, the way we've been playing.

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