Removing a Board Member


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2009
Say we found the leak was one or two of our 'esteemed' board members. Does anyone know how we would get rid of them without relying on a vote of the board? I'm sure Mayer has his hands tied.

Maybe us supporters need to take matters into our own hands and work out how we can clean the guys at the top out (If the NRL restructure doesn't fix it).
I think we'll have to wait for these so called board members in the car park !

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Give it a few weeks no one will need to be removed the current board will loose all power once the nrl appointed board is in place the indispensably members will out number both sets of dinosaurs in our club
You would do it through either Balmain or Wests

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Has to go through either Leagues Club and works up through there. Issue will be solved once the NRL appoints a board for us. Be interesting to see how they determine the 2 members that come from Wests and Balmain and what the criteria is for them before they get appointed.
I've always thought about the merit of our history/owners and there focus towards the future as one identity? I feel the biggest question is 'do they want this' and if so, how can that become reality?

I'd suggest the first hurdle in many would be the members of each Football/Leagues Club. Do they want a single identity moving forward or do they still have a desire to see the representations of our history continue?

If the one identity is the focus, the changing of constitutions at all levels would be the next step. This would then need to be followed with a discussion on ownership provenance. Who, What & How do each representative of the new identity contribute?

If we could get through these hurdles, the long term vision is all Leagues Clubs are Re-Branded to Wests Tigers providing suitable revenue streams in the short term, with a long term goal of attracting sustainable corporate dollars by harnessing the energy of the unified direction. As part of this restructure of funding, the ownership provenance would be adjusted. [This is only fair and responsible]?

There is one other area of a restructure I would put to the owners, and that is to create a new Members Equity Group that is funded through Foundation Memberships and Yearly Renewals, which forms part of the ownership of the club. This will then allow the supporters of Wests Tigers a seat on the board, only if this equity group can raise the suitable yearly capital?

As it stands, nothing will change… We need to leave our personalities behind and bond together with a clear drive to see Wests Tiger become a strong business model!
I think the new model, whereby the NRL will have three people and Balmain & Wests two each could be the best way forward for the club, without the need for a members equity group or the like. I get (and like) the logic behind that idea, but I severely doubt it would get past the NRL or both of the joint venture partners.

I think the club needs to ensure that Wests Tigers Members are fully aware of what their membership entails - ie, that it's a product they purchase, a seat at the ground(s), access to special information, events etc, the feeling of helping out your team, rather than the traditional membership of a football club.

There is currently nothing stopping any Wests Tigers member from influencing who sits on the Wests Tigers board - sign up as a member of the Wests Football Club or Balmain Football Club and make your voice heard at their AGMs. I personally don't think the idea of a 'fan' on the board will help our club, rather it could hinder some long term progress and result in things that should probably stay confidential becoming public due to the rights that the members group would have to info from their representative.

Just my opinion though…..
The whole 3 Independents, 2 Wests, 2 Balmain still promotes the fact that there are factions in the boardroom. Nothing will change till they aren't divided into mini groups.
@Tiger Watto said:
As it stands, nothing will change… We need to leave our personalities behind and bond together with a clear drive to see Wests Tiger become a strong business model!

I'm not particularly au fait with all the processes and such, but I certainly agree with this Watto.
All that's going to happen with the three independents is that they're going to have to side with one side over the other. They'll form alliances much like minor parties do with major ones in government to pass policies and they themselves may well evolve into factional members. I don't think it's a worthwhile system. I don't think the merger is working/will ever work the way we want it to and as a result I don't think Wests Magpies or Balmain Tigers should have anything to do with the NRL club as a joint union anymore. I think either party should have sole rights to it or neither. They should put Wests Tigers up for sale imo.
Except the BDRLC board members will have no voting rights until the debt is repaid to the NRL…..3 beats 2 everytime...
How about 1 Meriton, 2 Wests and 2 Balmain as board Members? Problem solved.
@Tiger Watto said:
I've always thought about the merit of our history/owners and there focus towards the future as one identity? I feel the biggest question is 'do they want this' and if so, how can that become reality?

I'd suggest the first hurdle in many would be the members of each Football/Leagues Club. Do they want a single identity moving forward or do they still have a desire to see the representations of our history continue?

If the one identity is the focus, the changing of constitutions at all levels would be the next step. This would then need to be followed with a discussion on ownership provenance. Who, What & How do each representative of the new identity contribute?

**_If we could get through these hurdles, the long term vision is all Leagues Clubs are Re-Branded to Wests Tigers providing suitable revenue streams in the short term, with a long term goal of attracting sustainable corporate dollars by harnessing the energy of the unified direction. As part of this restructure of funding, the ownership provenance would be adjusted. [This is only fair and responsible]?_**

There is one other area of a restructure I would put to the owners, and that is to create a new Members Equity Group that is funded through Foundation Memberships and Yearly Renewals, which forms part of the ownership of the club. This will then allow the supporters of Wests Tigers a seat on the board, only if this equity group can raise the suitable yearly capital?

As it stands, nothing will change… We need to leave our personalities behind and bond together with a clear drive to see Wests Tiger become a strong business model!

**_"If we could get through these hurdles, the long term vision is all Leagues Clubs are Re-Branded to Wests Tigers providing suitable revenue streams in the short term, with a long term goal of attracting sustainable corporate dollars by harnessing the energy of the unified direction. As part of this restructure of funding, the ownership provenance would be adjusted. [This is only fair and responsible]?"_**
Are you aware that the members and directors of the Western Suburbs or Balmain Football Clubs have NO STANDING in the Leagues Clubs? They are separate entities, so the Football Clubs have no say in the naming of the Leagues Clubs.
The revenue streams from the Leagues Clubs are "gifts" from the kindness of the Directors and Members and because they are not binding to the Football Clubs in any way, the "gifts" could be turned off at any time.
The constitution of the Western Suburbs Leagues Club is VERY different to that of the other Leagues Clubs. It makes the Leagues Club independent of the Football Club in all areas. For most, if not all, of the other Leagues Clubs, the Football Clubs have some controls over their Leagues Clubs.
I assume where "provenance" is in the post, it should read prudent or provident, that is the resources are properly managed.
@hammertime said:
Say we found the leak was one or two of our 'esteemed' board members. Does anyone know how we would get rid of them without relying on a vote of the board? I'm sure Mayer has his hands tied.

Maybe us supporters need to take matters into our own hands and work out how we can clean the guys at the top out (If the NRL restructure doesn't fix it).

I could remove them but my method is not necessarily legal…

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