

Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Over reaction to last weeks loss has been massive. All week I have been hearing in the media how the tigers have serious defensive issues and are not a serious threat of making the eight. This forum has been flooded with negativity.

The fact is, we have played 2 games in season 2010\. In one of them we showed tremendous heart to come back from the dead, and kept a good side with a strong pack of forwards at bay while we blitzed them in the backs. In the second game we were guilty of taking the foot off the pedal for far too long, and paid the price. Mixed in with the lack of effort in the middle part of the game was the disruption to the defense on the right hand side - injured half-back, forwards with-drawing late from the match, replacements (x2) for our suspended winger.

Many of you will say, "yes but we have not performed since '05", but in truth our defense was not that bad last year, especially towards the end of the year. 1 bad game defensively is not enough for anyone to astutely predict that that will continue and be our down fall against Parramatta. I feel tonight we will see the tigers swarming everywhere in defense making life very difficult for the eels.

C'mon Tigers! Rip in! :righton: Lets smash parra scum!!!
if you say so weve made finals twice in last twenty years we have the worst defence in the nrl we have bought good players to the club now cmon no more excuses :deadhorse:
All the talk in the media seems to be about how brilliant Parra (or should I say Hayne) is and about how poor our defense it. I'm counting on us being fired up for tonight and having a top game.
the problem with sunday was that we lost due to the same reasons we have lost football games since 2006\. i can completely understand everyone blowing up, going on sunday (and even last monday) nothing has changed.
As opposed to how all teams lose there games…..but because it's our team people are entitilled to over react....

Storm and Dragons are the only 2 clubs ATM that win them tough.....and to a lesser extent Titan's....

Cows down by plenty Panthers crumble...
Scumdogs...they must have missed Ennis...
Manly.... :confused:
Broncos never win in Canberra....it's a given...

I'm prepared to wait till Rd 5 before I burn the SFS to the ground...
our defence on our tryline is our biggest issue imo, it seems that we let in more soft tries then other teams im not sure why perhaps im imagining it. Im never confident when another team have tackles up there sleeve inside our 20.

i feel we hold our own in defence around the rest of the park. i could be wrong but thats the impression i get from watching us over the last few years.
@Geo. said:
As opposed to how all teams lose there games…..but because it's our team people are entitilled to over react....

Storm and Dragons are the only 2 clubs ATM that win them tough.....and to a lesser extent Titan's....

Cows down by plenty Panthers crumble...
Scumdogs...they must have missed Ennis...
Manly.... :confused:
Broncos never win in Canberra....it's a given...

I'm prepared to wait till Rd 5 before I burn the SFS to the ground...

yes but mate we are one of only two teams that have failed to qualify for the finals in the last 4 years. Whenever we Lose it is because of the same dumb mistakes. We are always promised things will chnage but they never do.

If we had of played well and lost no one would have been in here writing us off. After we lost against the eels and Titan at the back of last year there was no angry mob and pitch forks, as we had played well and just happened to lose in the day.

But to watch us dish us what we did on Sunday, you have to expect this kind if reaction.
I actually agree…maybe I didn't say it right....

It's still to early to call IMO...
@hybrid_tiger said:
If we aren't fired up tonight then something is seriously wrong.

I can't wait.

Same. I'm kind of nervous because of the Tigers record against the Eels, but surely the team will come out with a much better attitude tonight and put in a stronger effort than last week. There has been more attention placed on the Eels this week so I hope the Tigers are in the right frame of mind and come out and stick it to them.
Until we keep the same or almost the same side on the field.Some problems are due to happen.We now have a new 1/2 back even if he played there last year,plus a new fullback,as well as the return of some forwards,for their first run in 1st grade.These factors can pull the team down.Hopefully not as I predict them to win,with our superior backs
.Its the forward pack that worries me.We are up against one of the best packs around,so if we can tire them out and plenty of ball out to our backs a win for us is on….....
:sign: :supporter: :pray:
Over reaction???, its more about how we lost but I concede its a long season and way to early for writting them off.
Fair call but in saying that, you can't blame people for getting annoyed.
Re: Manly, I thought our defence was inconsistent, rubbish at times and very good at others…I personally think this year will be different but there is a lot of frustration at our inability to keep sides from just walking over the top of us. Some of the tries the Roosters got against us last week were very weak. Am expecting a much better effort tonight.
No over-reaction mate….our defense was embarrasing and gutless on Sunday.

The Roosters aren't that good - we still scored 32 against them - it was the way we lose some of our matches that angers me.

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