Leichhardt facilities


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2014
Been to games at Leichhardt before many times, but now as an old man , why can’t they install some temporary toilets to ease congestion in the grandstand block, elbow deep and if you suffer from stage fright like me due to health issues, can take the gloss off the day, let alone how the team is travelling
I did look at the river end of the grandstand, but only saw a Ladies toilet sign, is that what you mean?
@ said:
Temporary dunnies? That will bring the crowds back.

Who cares? Do you find having a slash at ANZ a particularly memorable/enjoyable experience?
@ said:
@ said:
Temporary dunnies? That will bring the crowds back.

Who cares? Do you find having a slash at ANZ a particularly memorable/enjoyable experience?

I find laying a cable more pleasant in a real dunny than an out house.
Have you got a nice, clean tiled dunny at home?Or just something in the back yard?
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
Temporary dunnies? That will bring the crowds back.

Who cares? Do you find having a slash at ANZ a particularly memorable/enjoyable experience?

I find laying a cable more pleasant in a real dunny than an out house.
Have you got a nice, clean tiled dunny at home?Or just something in the back yard?

I don't think I've ever had to drop the kids off at a game… I doubt it's great regardless of the venue given how often people seem to like pissing on public toilet seats...
I remember a story the the Great Laurie Nicholls said … he got into an argument with an opposition supporter one day at Leichhardt .. so Laurie watch this guy for the next 40 minutes and when this guy went to use the portable dunes that were in place up on the back of the hill ... these loo's used sit on some sort of trailer with wheels (trailers were locked down so they couldn't move) .. but when this guy stepped into the loo, Laurie somehow released the trailer and sent it went rolling backwards down the hill into the fence with this guy that Laurie was arguing with still in it .. true story or not, but when Laurie told you a story .. you took it as truth .. :wink: .. made me nearly wet myself with laughter .. :laughing:
I'd rather go to Leichhardt with no toilets than Suncorp with free beer and golden urinals a mile long.

I regularly attend outdoor music festivals and pub gigs.
Leichhardt toilets are a luxury if you ask me
@ said:
Been to games at Leichhardt before many times, but now as an old man , why can’t they install some temporary toilets to ease congestion in the grandstand block, elbow deep and if you suffer from stage fright like me due to health issues, can take the gloss off the day, let alone how the team is travelling

Sorry I read op wrong I thought it said WHAT facilities!
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
You could just pee at your seat like they do at Suncorp..

maybe he needed a number 2

The new Perth Stadium has cup holders. Or maybe I just assumed they are cup holders.

It's hardly surprising that the team's performance yesterday has inspired this discussion.
@ said:
@ said:
Been to games at Leichhardt before many times, but now as an old man , why can’t they install some temporary toilets to ease congestion in the grandstand block, elbow deep and if you suffer from stage fright like me due to health issues, can take the gloss off the day, let alone how the team is travelling

Sorry I read op wrong I thought it said WHAT facilities!

Well i guess reading isnt your strong suite then is it.
@ said:
Temporary dunnies? That will bring the crowds back.

Sorry , i hadnt realised they had left.
Anyway you would complain even if they had a penthouse pet holding it for you .
@ said:
@ said:
Temporary dunnies? That will bring the crowds back.

Sorry , i hadnt realised they had left.
Anyway you would complain even if they had a penthouse pet holding it for you .

Awwww, is someone picking on your safety blanket?
Need a tissue?
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
Been to games at Leichhardt before many times, but now as an old man , why can’t they install some temporary toilets to ease congestion in the grandstand block, elbow deep and if you suffer from stage fright like me due to health issues, can take the gloss off the day, let alone how the team is travelling

Sorry I read op wrong I thought it said WHAT facilities!

Well i guess reading isnt your strong suite then is it.

I am not a good speller either Liechardt :laughing:
The facilities are nothing flash, but the dunnies and cold beer were both very quick.
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
Temporary dunnies? That will bring the crowds back.

Sorry , i hadnt realised they had left.
Anyway you would complain even if they had a penthouse pet holding it for you .

Awwww, is someone picking on your safety blanket?
Need a tissue?

Is that it ? Wow ! You could have given yourself a bit of time to come up with something with a bit more sting then that.. lol

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