Grant Mayer get's tough with players

@brewster13 said:
Lay off niccoff
He is only 12 yrs old

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Niccoff blames the arsonist you blame the fireman and you call him 12 years old.Hmmm ok.
Evidence???Which sand dune have you been burying your head under for the last 12 months.Blind freddy would have a dossier the size of the MCG on Farah.

Ask him to produce some of his evidence. Not just stuff he reads in the Telecrap

When its big mouth Farah evidence is pretty easy to see.Only those with ulterior motives could fail to see them since they came from robbies own mouth.
@madunit said:

Provide your source, or don't post threads trying to pass off hearsay, rumour and innuendo as fact.

There's a few on here that live just on rumour and innuendo. It makes them feel important
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
Evidence???Which sand dune have you been burying your head under for the last 12 months.Blind freddy would have a dossier the size of the MCG on Farah.

Ask him to produce some of his evidence. Not just stuff he reads in the Telecrap

When its big mouth Farah evidence is pretty easy to see.Only those with ulterior motives could fail to see them since they came from robbies own mouth.

Once again , Nothing, at least you are consistent
@supercoach said:
Mayer of all people to lay down the law on support and loyalty. They are two words that do not come to mind when you describe Mayer.

He seems to make a rapid exit from most clubs so I can only hope the same thing will happen at the Tigers. It just depends how long he can fool those capable of showing him the door, in the past it was like taking candy from a baby, lets hope with the new board this is not the case now

What was the reason he left Manly??0
Wow this thread is up there with the most ordinary this forum can produce.

Let's not pretend here - only a very very small proportion of the posters on here, perhaps even none, have any personal contact with Mayer. Nobody really knows what kind of job he is doing nor if he is good at it.

People are so quick to write Mayer off and conversely so many supported Potter, really based on their perceived public behaviour. People respond to Potter's frank honesty in interviews, don't like Mayer's twitter approach and sometimes controversial comments.

But these public personas have very little bearing on the most important aspect - whether or not they are any good at their jobs.

Rupert Murdoch and Jamie Packer have mostly negative public personas - appearing cranky and manipulative. Even still, they are very successful businessmen - whether or not you like them has nothing to do with it.

It doesn't matter if Mayer seems sneaky or inconsistent to us fans, what matters is that the business is in best order and we make money. Don't confuse inherited board shambles or on-field results with the performance of the money managers.

I don't have an opinion of Mayer one way or the other. But I get sick to death of people making constantly snide comments about people they don't even know.
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
@madunit said:
@nicoffu said:
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
Im pretty sure it was "another" high profile person at the club who didnt back potter.Why all this hate of Mayer when the problem was farah???We've been saying for many years now that the players at this club have to much say and Mayer goes about correcting this and many on this forum whinge about it.Unbelievable.Mayer and potter were friends for over 10 years
You could be right Who knows

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and you have evidence that Farah is to blame?

Evidence???Which sand dune have you been burying your head under for the last 12 months.Blind freddy would have a dossier the size of the MCG on Farah.

no. There's a shedload of opinions from people with no real knowledge of whats going on.

Present your facts (I don't want a single opinion in any of your facts either)
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
Evidence???Which sand dune have you been burying your head under for the last 12 months.Blind freddy would have a dossier the size of the MCG on Farah.

Ask him to produce some of his evidence. Not just stuff he reads in the Telecrap

When its big mouth Farah evidence is pretty easy to see.Only those with ulterior motives could fail to see them since they came from robbies own mouth.
well come on then, present it.
And so we crawl bitter and twisted into another offseason…
Hopefully to muster another year of enthusiastic optimism!
New coach, new GM, board of corporate crusaders, no injuries, fringe first grader recruits ready to burst on the scene, and everyone playing nicely together again in the sandpit...
@madunit said:
@Jerry Seinfeld said:
Evidence???Which sand dune have you been burying your head under for the last 12 months.Blind freddy would have a dossier the size of the MCG on Farah.

Ask him to produce some of his evidence. Not just stuff he reads in the Telecrap

When its big mouth Farah evidence is pretty easy to see.Only those with ulterior motives could fail to see them since they came from robbies own mouth.
well come on then, present it.

Yes , a good start would be , at which of the conversations were you actually present ?? ( Not just read or heard about in the media)
Damn you guys get more worked up at each other than iphone vs galaxy nerds, we all want a good coach, Robbie to change his attitude and the wests tigers to do well. no need to go insulting each other pretty soon we will be more dysfunctional than the team we support haha

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Damn you guys get more worked up at each other than iphone vs galaxy nerds, we all want a good coach, Robbie to change his attitude and the wests tigers to do well. no need to go insulting each other pretty soon we will be more dysfunctional than the team we support haha

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