Best thing about rd 3 vs Sharks

The best thing for me was this morning’s dog walk.
Yesterday morning I crossed paths with a woman who walks her dog regularly, we had a chat. She’s the kind that does not listen to a word you say and just talks about herself right over the top of ya, and her dog is an ignorant prick of a dog. So yesterday as we part ways she has a little dig, “the sharkies are gunna win tonight, you know that don’t ya?”, my reply was “if you say so 🙄”.
Well this morning she seen us and went the other way?
What cat got ya tongue [This word has been automatically removed]? Well that cat is a fkn TIGER, [This word has been automatically removed].
WTF B itch is the offensive word not fkn?
For me this is better than thrashing the cowboys last year as our best performance in recent years.
1. Defence.
2. Controlled game plan that can be replicated.
We didn't need one player to make 5 line breaks in an effort they can never hope to replicate, it's really up to those guys from last night if they want to do it every week.
3. Opposition kept playing and are a quality team, in the end the margin was probably helped by their injuries
4. Most important, we stood up in rd 3, it isn't too late to make a difference, which is the problem with all our recent good wins. Our season is alive baby!
Very well said old man, let’s just hope we can maintain this type of performance for the rest of the season.
For me this is better than thrashing the cowboys last year as our best performance in recent years.
1. Defence.
2. Controlled game plan that can be replicated.
We didn't need one player to make 5 line breaks in an effort they can never hope to replicate, it's really up to those guys from last night if they want to do it every week.
3. Opposition kept playing and are a quality team, in the end the margin was probably helped by their injuries
4. Most important, we stood up in rd 3, it isn't too late to make a difference, which is the problem with all our recent good wins. Our season is alive baby!
IMO they were both great performances but this time we don't have a CEO throwing cold water on the "buzz" by telling a few of them they are not wanted next year in the week following
To me the best thing about the win was discipline. We were disciplined in defence, with a fast moving line and consistent tackling, often with a bit of sting. We were also disciplined regarding penalties. We managed to play hard but within the rules and hardly infringed. This had a positive effect on possession and gave us the license to be more creative in attack.
The other noticeable positive was structure. Because our defence was so much better, the team trusted its attack and you could see some effective structure beginning to emerge. The kicking game was excellent and developing combinations between Api, Sezer, Galvin and Bula were very encouraging.
One last comment. There is no lack of talent in this team, but lots of posters have kept harping the opposite. The young players just needed time to find their feet. Add some fearless youngsters (Bula and Galvin) and a couple of old, hard nuts who know what it's like to win (Api and Olam) and you see the potential.
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Through our line speed and domination in defence we earned and got a lot of calls that in recent years would have gone the other way. Refs like riding winners
It’s funny we played with more effort and all of a sudden the ball seemed to bounce more in our favour. Something about having more players in the frame.
The best thing about the game was 6.
Only 6 points against,
Gal, played another good game at 6.
On the 6th day god created Olam.
Api only had to play a 6th of the game.
On the 6th day of this work week we ate flake. Mmmm flake.