Your team vs Cowboys

Jumping on someones legs from behind is not a dominant tackle.
First contact did not jump on his legs. He grabs his upper body from behind and trying to get him to the ground made contact with his legs. There is no way in today's game that you can wrap the ball up and make a copy book dominant tackle individually without at some point falling on the legs of the player. Wasn't called a hip drop it was called dangerous contact based on a face pulled by uninjured player and the discretionary ruling by the person in the bunker.
First contact did not jump on his legs. He grabs his upper body from behind and trying to get him to the ground made contact with his legs. There is no way in today's game that you can wrap the ball up and make a copy book dominant tackle individually without at some point falling on the legs of the player. Wasn't called a hip drop it was called dangerous contact based on a face pulled by uninjured player and the discretionary ruling by the person in the bunker.
You cannot perform a dominant tackle from behind unless you pick them up and supplex them.
Far better ways to affect a tackle than the way he did. it wasnt safe, could cause serious long term injury and it needs to be eradicated from the game.
Put up as many reminders of the result last time when wests tigers played the cowboys.
So the players don't let history repeat itself, and of course achieve the mecca of all wests tigers score lines.
wests tiger 25
cowboys 18
You cannot perform a dominant tackle from behind unless you pick them up and supplex them.
Far better ways to affect a tackle than the way he did. it wasnt safe, could cause serious long term injury and it needs to be eradicated from the game.
C'mon look at it again. You cant control the way you fall in a tackle without coming into contact with the players legs. And if thats what we are leading to then there should have been alot more players before the judiciary this week. Issako gets up and plays the ball its play on every day of the week.
Put up as many reminders of the result last time when wests tigers played the cowboys.
So the players don't let history repeat itself, and of course achieve the mecca of all wests tigers score lines.
wests tiger 25
cowboys 18
happy to keep them to half of that.
C'mon look at it again. You cant control the way you fall in a tackle without coming into contact with the players legs. And if thats what we are leading to then there should have been alot more players before the judiciary this week. Issako gets up and plays the ball its play on every day of the week.
Yes you can control it. Technique wise it is a failed tackle if you end up like that.
Just when I thought I was out - they pull me back in.. its respect for you Kaito.... its a compliment... distinguish the difference brother

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C'mon look at it again. You cant control the way you fall in a tackle without coming into contact with the players legs. And if thats what we are leading to then there should have been alot more players before the judiciary this week. Issako gets up and plays the ball its play on every day of the week.

I hear what youre saying, but I think you can as far
as technique is concerned. I'd start coaching them
to crocodile roll. That is to say ‐ when you have a
hold of someone from behind like olam - roll over
to the side not straight down. I know it's easier said
than done but that's 3 hip drops now we've copped
which has resulted in 10 weeks out on the side lines
1 Bula
2 Staines
3 Naden
4 Olam
5 Solomon
6 Galvin
7 Sullivan
8 Stefano
9 Api
10 Klemmer
11 Papali
12 Samuela Fainu
13 Twal

14 Kepaoa
15 Seyfarth
16 Sukkar
17 Pole

I have no idea about suspensions or injuries
Sam F

Pole , Twally our 17 from yesterday , ?
Casey and Lobb seem to be at the Brisbane Members event tonight. Would imagine Casey is a definite starter this week with 2 centres down. Lobb potentially a start if they have also had enough of Staines or could be 18th/19th man to travel with squad.