General Rugby League & NRL Media

Between 9 and 5 yes. They are still humans allowed to live a life.
Is your idea of living your life getting into drunken wrestles/fights after a work function?
Time and place for everything.
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Is your idea of living your life getting into drunken wrestles/fights after a work function?
Time and place for everything.
Not me personally but I know plenty of high functioning, successful people who have had the odd dust up with a mate. Nobody hurt, move on.
It’s a story because they are professional athletes on the cusp of starting a 8 month long campaign.
Having a couple of beers is very different to losing control like this…only a moron would get this plastered under those circumstances.
They're human mate. You've never done dumb shit when you were drunk? Drunk wrestling is very different to stomping on a bloke's head like Packer did.
They're human mate. You've never done dumb shit when you were drunk? Drunk wrestling is very different to stomping on a bloke's head like Packer did.
That’s beside the point.
I am responding to a question as to why it’s a story.…and no, I don’t ever get that drunk in public. I don’t like being out of control.
This was a few pubs after the fan day had wrapped up. At that point they were just a group of friends out socialising. Im sure you’ve been into any city or decent sized regional centre and seen people full of booze and whatever else carrying on, generally having a good time. Being morons sure, but were they breaking the law, no.

As for what’s a story, whatever people will click on is the answer to that in 2024. No substance necessary.
This was a few pubs after the fan day had wrapped up. At that point they were just a group of friends out socialising. Im sure you’ve been into any city or decent sized regional centre and seen people full of booze and whatever else carrying on, generally having a good time. Being morons sure, but were they breaking the law, no.

As for what’s a story, whatever people will click on is the answer to that in 2024. No substance necessary.

They don’t need to break the law for their actions to cause a story. Being professional athletes brings greater scrutiny. It goes with the territory of being a celebrity along with their paypackets.

2 high profile players in an NRL glamour club pissed out of their minds and being aggressive publically with each other is a story. They are the captain and vice captain with responsibilities to a range of stakeholders, it’s a story.
You and I have gone back and forth on this for days. You obviously think it’s a story to keep it going.
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They don’t need to break the law for their actions to cause a story. Being professional athletes brings greater scrutiny. It goes with the territory of being a celebrity along with their paypackets.

2 high profile players in an NRL glamour club pissed out of their minds and being aggressive publically with each other is a story. They are the captain and vice captain with responsibilities to a range of stakeholders, it’s a story.
You and I have gone back and forth on this for days. You obviously think it’s a story to keep it going.
It’s a story because it’s in the news, no dispute.

The news can go and get farked, stop telling people how to live.
It’s a story because it’s in the news, no dispute.

The news can go and get farked, stop telling people how to live.
These blokes have to be smarter though. If you want fame and money, there are extra rules. This isn’t a new thing, these morons deserved a kick up the arse and they got one.
Club put them up to apologise to appeal to the wokies amongst the sponsors. Business as usual within the camp.
Maybe so but again, you want the big bucks there are different expectations placed upon you.
These idiots have to grow up.
Carrigan is pretty bloody good. Reckon he’s still got a few wrestles in him before they cut him loose. And 16 clubs will be lining up. I take your point though.

Mine is more of a philosophical argument about what news the media should put out there. More important things in life.
Mine is more of a philosophical argument about what news the media should put out there. More important things in life.
You are not wrong on principle, however we live in the age of celebrity news. The public has never had such access to them.
I’m sure there was something truly horrible happen somewhere in the country today that was wasn’t given airtime because Miss Swift was performing.
I grew up in a tropical holiday destination. Some of the stuff I saw very famous players doing during the off season would have seen contracts torn up everywhere. They were lucky that phones were useless back then. Todays sports stars will get caught if they play up and the video will be online before they get home. They all know this.
You are not wrong on principle, however we live in the age of celebrity news. The public has never had such access to them.
I’m sure there was something truly horrible happen somewhere in the country today that was wasn’t given airtime because Miss Swift was performing.
I grew up in a tropical holiday destination. Some of the stuff I saw very famous players doing during the off season would have seen contracts torn up everywhere. They were lucky that phones were useless back then. Todays sports stars will get caught if they play up and the video will be online before they get home. They all know this.
Also the age of declining mental health and a significant uptick in oxygen thieves filming people. Thems the times.

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