OFFICIAL Pathways - KOE General Discussion

TDS has been impressive and got a try after a quick play the ball. However a penalty against Kepaoa for not getting to his feet to play the ball and then poor defence from Faataape lets Manly in for their 1st try. Magpies 12 - Manly 4 after 21 minutes.
Kit off with what looked like a shoulder/collarbone injury. Manly score 2 plays later. Manly also starting to win the middle. Our bench forwards not stepping up physically to the challenge. 12 - 8.
Very easy to see the difference between the experienced and inexperienced team out there today. Magpies struggling now. Manly up 16 to 12 (4 tries to 2). 3 minutes until half time.
Tasi James helps out his old club by coughing up possession after scoring points. Kepaoa throws a nice cut out pass and Solo Saukuru scores on his Cup debut. Somehow we go into the break with an 18 - 16 lead when Manly seemingly dominated the last 20 of that half.
Keep the updates coming Tigers_Wests I’m out and only seeing bits & pieces of the game.
Sounds like our young guns Da Silva, Miller and Saukuru are all showing something, anybody else standing out ?
In other news Chris Faagutu has scored a double in Ron Massey Cup for Ryde Eastwood Hawks. They're currently down 18-12 in the 2nd half
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Keep the updates coming Tigers_Wests I’m out and only seeing bits & pieces of the game.
Sounds like our young guns Da Silva, Miller and Saukuru are all showing something, anybody else standing out ?
Haven't been able to see too much of the 2nd half. But it looks like the scoreboard keeps ticking over for Manly unfortunately. 42 to 18 now.
Sione Fainu looked good early along with the other 3 mentioned.
Seems like whatever worked in the 1st half didn't work in the 2nd. We're down 42-18 and Jaxson Paulo has scored 4 times
50-24 after a try to Sione Fainu. Just wondering how manly have two players with 4 tries each
It again shows many of the players playing in this team are not up to standard and need to be replaced ASAP.
The good news is our young project players such as Da Silva and Miller along with Sione Fainu all continue to impress.
Fainu definitely appears to be NRL ready on a much more regular basis.
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Watched the last 30 mins. Defence down our right side looked about 2 players short - was almost harsh to blame the Faatape and Laulili on that side as by the time it got to that side they seemed to have 4 players on 2 every time.

End of the day we were lucky it was so close given the Manly kicker missed 8 goals.

At one stage they described it as boys against men and honestly that's a fair description - Blacktown had experience first graders throughout the team and lots of experienced nsw cup guys and we had a mixture of SG Ball players and Ron Massey players on our side - literally men v boys but good experience for our kids to learn what is needed

Miller is impressive just for his size but the effort is their too. Didn't see much of Saukuru as he was on opposite side to the action but a couple of runs were impressive.
Cant imagine anything too impressive about conceding 11 tries in a 55 minute period between the 17th min and the 72nd min ( that's 1 every 5 min )
What are they a bunch of turnstiles ?
The result is hardly surprising. The Blacktown team has 600 games of first grade experience to our 50, 40 of which are from AJ Krapoa.

Manly has incredible depth with guys like Paulo, Arthurs, Sipley, Parker, Schoupp, Humphreys, Condon and Woods ready to step up in case of injury.

Wests have some young talent like Miller, TDS, Saukuru and Laulilii X 2, mixed with Jim beam cup swill. It's not the ideal environment for the youngsters but better times are ahead...
For those who watch, what were the positions? With Fainu listed on wing and tds at prop or makes it hard.
Was valevatu 5/8, Wilson to fullback and Laulilii on wing?
The result is hardly surprising. The Blacktown team has 600 games of first grade experience to our 50, 40 of which are from AJ Krapoa.

Manly has incredible depth with guys like Paulo, Arthurs, Sipley, Parker, Schoupp, Humphreys, Condon and Woods ready to step up in case of injury.

Wests have some young talent like Miller, TDS, Saukuru and Laulilii X 2, mixed with Jim beam cup swill. It's not the ideal environment for the youngsters but better times are ahead...
And that's because most clubs don't give out top30 deals to teenagers...
So they have experienced backups and talented teenagers, whereas we only have the kids

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