Driver Beware:

It is what it is. They dont have our souls and dont let them trick you into injecting stuff into your body. Its far from over. LOVE always conquers EVIL. We got this
Would you call yourself a 'conspiracy theorist' AHX.
I saw your AHX photo on "Free To Thrive", which on the face of it looks reasonably interesting, but there's certainly plenty of Conspiracy bull :poop: on there.
If it is all about safety
Motorcycle - Gone
Hang gliding - Gone
Sky diving - Gone
Mountain biking - Gone
They have to be banned, where is the god damned seatbelt on the motorcycle, come on let’s get it done!
My mate is nsw highway Officer, he doesn't book people for no reason.

He has helped so many people across the years for zero appreciation.
And isn't it a great pity that a Lot More people don't take the time to send letters of commendation/thanks when they do receive great service from the Cops or whoever.

But at the same time, the stories I have heard from people about the rotten and dis-respectful service or no service they have received from the Cops would knock yuh sox off.

My very elderly brother is currently trying to get support from the Cops in relation to a very close and also very elderly friend of his who is being mistreated by the family due to the $$$ they will get when this person passes away.
The Cops have chosen to not believe a word he has said and have refused to get involved.
My brother is a very decent living Justice of the Peace, and it's utterly disgusting how he is not believed.
He also has a friend that is now retired from the Police Force.
Soon after discussing the details with the ex-cop who made enquiries on my brother's behalf, warned rather than advised him to not pursue the matter any further.
***To me personally, it sounds like there is something fishy going on, or worse***
I've learned recently that we have to be Very Careful who we believe we can trust, even our own family members.
So, a warning... if it looks fishy and smells fishy, it will very possibly turn out to be Very stinky fishy if we don't tread warily.

Now something Very Positive.
I had to visit the Outpatients Dept. of Port Macquarie Public Hosp. yesterday afternoon/last night, as depression had overtaken me, and I was in a very dark place😢.
I won't go into any more detail except to say WTs Do play a part in my depression, but only a minor part ;).
Just being able to talk to professional people there last night was absolutely amazing (y).
And I did need to talk to experienced people, was given a script to help me sleep and left there feeling at least 1000% better :D.
Please don't think I am saying this to garner sympathy, I am not and don't need it.
I would actually be embarrassed to read any messages like that.

For anyone battling with their Mental Health now or in the don't have to suffer alone.

Most of Us are not capable of seeing the signs of someone battling with their Mental Health, because very often we don't want to show we are battling.

It's up to Us to help ourselves when things get too tough.

So, a Very Big Thank You to Everyone I spoke to at Port Hosp. last night, you were/are absolutely wonderful.
It’s just another invasion of privacy next to nobody is not wearing a seatbelt these days. Seatbelts can also kill u, by trapping u in your car. It’s a lower risk than not wearing your belt but still a risk! They’re probably using AI to check these days what’s next??
Big brother is watching
I carry an emergency seat belt cutter and window smasher in my car at all times.
They are cheap, cheep, cheap and give me a feeling of safety in a bad situation or if someone else is in the same situation.
Yeah you can do it that way. Or bcoz speedos are set a few Ks lower than what’s shown, you set your CC for a few Ks over knowing that will even you up and cruise on through at the correct speed.
Or you could not wear a seatbelt, turns out that’s a thing?
The only reason I sometimes set my CC below the speed limit is because my Subaru Outback has a crappy set up that has allowed me to exceed the speed limit by up to 8 kph in hilly areas.
On the flat there is no problem staying on my set speed.
And isn't it a great pity that a Lot More people don't take the time to send letters of commendation/thanks when they do receive great service from the Cops or whoever.

But at the same time, the stories I have heard from people about the rotten and dis-respectful service or no service they have received from the Cops would knock yuh sox off.

My very elderly brother is currently trying to get support from the Cops in relation to a very close and also very elderly friend of his who is being mistreated by the family due to the $$$ they will get when this person passes away.
The Cops have chosen to not believe a word he has said and have refused to get involved.
My brother is a very decent living Justice of the Peace, and it's utterly disgusting how he is not believed.
He also has a friend that is now retired from the Police Force.
Soon after discussing the details with the ex-cop who made enquiries on my brother's behalf, warned rather than advised him to not pursue the matter any further.
***To me personally, it sounds like there is something fishy going on, or worse***
I've learned recently that we have to be Very Careful who we believe we can trust, even our own family members.
So, a warning... if it looks fishy and smells fishy, it will very possibly turn out to be Very stinky fishy if we don't tread warily.

Now something Very Positive.
I had to visit the Outpatients Dept. of Port Macquarie Public Hosp. yesterday afternoon/last night, as depression had overtaken me, and I was in a very dark place😢.
I won't go into any more detail except to say WTs Do play a part in my depression, but only a minor part ;).
Just being able to talk to professional people there last night was absolutely amazing (y).
And I did need to talk to experienced people, was given a script to help me sleep and left there feeling at least 1000% better :D.
Please don't think I am saying this to garner sympathy, I am not and don't need it.
I would actually be embarrassed to read any messages like that.

For anyone battling with their Mental Health now or in the don't have to suffer alone.

Most of Us are not capable of seeing the signs of someone battling with their Mental Health, because very often we don't want to show we are battling.

It's up to Us to help ourselves when things get too tough.

So, a Very Big Thank You to Everyone I spoke to at Port Hosp. last night, you were/are absolutely wonderful.
Mate I am so glad you were able to get some help when you needed it.
WTs don't so much for any of our mood I guess... It's really an extraordinary circumstance something you love has been so disappointing for us for so long.
Very important to get yourself feeling well and positive if yiu csn
.. Glad you found someone to help you and your most welcome to private message me any time as most know I'm going thru a tough time too for the foreseeable future
Stay strong @BZN
Put your seatbelt on, don't use your phone.

It's not that hard.
It's not nanny state, revenue raising or control either. The only ones who pay are those who dont, can't or won't take care of themselves.
It’s the same with wearing helmets on bikes; who bears the brunt of the costs induced to the public healthcare and social security when things go wrong? Food for thought, perhaps if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt and now you’re a paraplegic or brain damaged you can incur the health care expense out of pocket.
Fair point Tiger-ferret. I choose to wear a helmet these days but was always comfortable with bearing responsibility for the outcome when I didn't wear one.
Do you hold the same view regarding public health & social security costs for those that smoke, drink & overeat?
It should be survival of the smartest not survival of the dumbest.
As long as they don’t hurt or effect anyone else let the idiots skip close to the edge.
I don’t free-ball it when wearing jeans bcoz a zipper has a lot of teeth. Ya get me?
Button fly on jeans, Butts
If it is all about safety
Motorcycle - Gone
Hang gliding - Gone
Sky diving - Gone
Mountain biking - Gone
They have to be banned, where is the god damned seatbelt on the motorcycle, come on let’s get it done!
Next they'll ban fireworks!!!
If it is all about safety
Motorcycle - Gone
Hang gliding - Gone
Sky diving - Gone
Mountain biking - Gone
They have to be banned, where is the god damned seatbelt on the motorcycle, come on let’s get it done!
How would the Government pick our pocket if we outright banned these things?
It’s the same with wearing helmets on bikes; who bears the brunt of the costs induced to the public healthcare and social security when things go wrong? Food for thought, perhaps if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt and now you’re a paraplegic or brain damaged you can incur the health care expense out of pocket.
Yes exactly...I think the same attitude should be taken with fatties that eat themselves into diabetes, heart conditions and the rest of it...The cost to the tax payer due to obesity is enormous. There are way more fatties in Australia than people who are paraplegics or brain damaged from not wearing seatbelts or helmets on bikes...just to put it into perspective.

But, let's go with your solution for a moment....if we want to start cherry picking who can and can't access public health, then why not get rid of Medicare altogether or make it optional and cut peoples taxes if they choose to opt out? Why should one pay into a system that doesn't guarantee them care when they need it? Then you won't have to pay for other peoples irresponsible decisions. Let's just hope you don't make a little mistake one day that excludes you from care.

It's easy to find a reason to not help someone because they weren't making the right choices, but I think it's a slippery slope.

What's my point?....if you like public health, you have to accept the good with the bad, because whether you like it or not, you are already paying for others that make terrible decisions with their health and you will be until the day you die.
Nobody objects to wearing a seatbelt, pretty much 100% of people wear them.

Speaking for myself at least, the objection is to the Orwellian surveillance technology proposed to solve this non-issue.
Why is it that you can cut through and see exactly what the argument is, but people are focusing on a totally different argument?

You hit the nail on the head very succinctly.

To add...I would guess that most people instinctively reach for the seatbelt the minute they get in the car now? Do we really need millions of dollars worth of surveillance for this? Are people really suggesting that this money couldn't have been spent in a more effective way to benefit the people? I'm shocked there is so much push back on this...I'm willing to bet all these cameras cost more than the 40 million we need to revamp Leichhardt Oval...
And it just keeps on growing, every aspect of our lives is more and more monitored and more and more controlled every year that passes.

RIP the care-free larrikin, replaced by the all-powerful finger-waving nagger.
Case in point....WTF is an "e-safety commissioner"?

Did anyone ask if I want to be part of this "e-safety"? Can I opt-out? Is it at all possible I can manage my own "e-safety" the way I see fit?

Fkn nanny state
I am amazed that anybody would object to wearing seatbelts when in a car,I am old enough to remember the death toll's when i was growing up in the 60's.Every year the death toll in NSW ALONE seemed to be in excess of 1000,when seatbelts were introduced it started to reduce the toll and even more so after it became compulsory and this was when the population was far smaller than it is now.There are many people who have been born since then who would not even be alive today if compulsory seatbelts were not introduced as one of their parents would have died in a car crash before having children
Not one person in this thread has objected to wearing seatbelts.
Button fly on jeans, Butts
6 beers deep, and ya broke the seal on the fourth. Now ya busting again with 5 mins to halftime, tigers down by 2 and in their red zone, so ya hang on. We score, a try and ya skull the rest of beer 7. Now ya run for the dunny trying to unbutton on the way getting the top one, but now you’re standing in front of the dunny trying to hold on for dear life, trying to get four more buttons undone.
Or, zip…..ahhhh.
Anyway I reckon my original post still stands, free balling with a zipper is either brave or stupid.
Or maybe some people like the thrill of living dangerously and free balling with jeans has that element. It’s like swimming in the ocean at Esperance, some days ya gunna go home, some days ya gunna get bit.