Driver Beware:

Approximately 100% of people wear seatbelts these days, and that annoying noise is one reason lol.

There's no sudden outbreak of people not wearing seatbelts, it's just an excuse to increase surveillance and waste more taxpayers' money.
For a supposedly free country, we aren't very free. The government has slowly encroached on every aspect of our lives.

No one voted for this stuff....that's the scary part.
Revenue grabbing wankers!
Imo not your best response L.
Why wouldn’t everyone just use a seatbelt, or do you see seatbelts, phones, food and anything else being policed as an infringement on human rights whilst being in control of a lethal weapon.
I for one say good move, and a definite life saver in certain situations, unless you’re driving at 160 in a 100 zone, then nothing much will tend to save you.
For a supposedly free country, we aren't very free. The government has slowly encroached on every aspect of our lives.

No one voted for this stuff....that's the scary part.
It’s the same with wearing helmets on bikes; who bears the brunt of the costs induced to the public healthcare and social security when things go wrong? Food for thought, perhaps if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt and now you’re a paraplegic or brain damaged you can incur the health care expense out of pocket.
It’s the same with wearing helmets on bikes; who bears the brunt of the costs induced to the public healthcare and social security when things go wrong? Food for thought, perhaps if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt and now you’re a paraplegic or brain damaged you can incur the health care expense out of pocket.
If we're fining people for not wearing seatbelts where's the logic in even allowing people to ride motorbikes?
If safety's really the issue, why are they allowed?
Not to mention that it's usually a black motorbike ridden by a person wearing dark colours on a black road. It's brilliant camo.
Why aren't they made to wear high vis. gear?
There's no logic involved.
who bears the brunt of the costs induced to the public healthcare and social security when things go wrong?
Who bears the brunt of massive expenditure on increased bureaucracy, judicial paper shuffling and (extremely expensive) AI surveillance technology?

Every cent wasted on that could have gone straight into hospitals for much better return.

And of course it always starts with something generally accepted (why wouldn't you wear a seatbelt mate?) and will over time will slowly encroach into other murkier areas (our cameras detected you were distracted).
Imo not your best response L.
Why wouldn’t everyone just use a seatbelt, or do you see seatbelts, phones, food and anything else being policed as an infringement on human rights whilst being in control of a lethal weapon.
I for one say good move, and a definite life saver in certain situations, unless you’re driving at 160 in a 100 zone, then nothing much will tend to save you.
Everyone wears a seatbelt. When was the last time you drove with someone on a public road without one? As someone else already said, the beeping alone would drive you insane!

It's not about seatbelts, it's about power.
Because there are serious morons out there that need to be told/reminded daily to protect themselves from themselves
a) this is an argument for total surveillance, everywhere, always, because people will always do dumb stuff.
b) approximately 100% of people wear seatbelts, it's a non-issue.
For a supposedly free country, we aren't very free. The government has slowly encroached on every aspect of our lives.

No one voted for this stuff....that's the scary part.
And it just keeps on growing, every aspect of our lives is more and more monitored and more and more controlled every year that passes.

RIP the care-free larrikin, replaced by the all-powerful finger-waving nagger.
I am amazed that anybody would object to wearing seatbelts when in a car,I am old enough to remember the death toll's when i was growing up in the 60's.Every year the death toll in NSW ALONE seemed to be in excess of 1000,when seatbelts were introduced it started to reduce the toll and even more so after it became compulsory and this was when the population was far smaller than it is now.There are many people who have been born since then who would not even be alive today if compulsory seatbelts were not introduced as one of their parents would have died in a car crash before having children
I am amazed that anybody would object to wearing seatbelts when in a car,I am old enough to remember the death toll's when i was growing up in the 60's.Every year the death toll in NSW ALONE seemed to be in excess of 1000,when seatbelts were introduced it started to reduce the toll and even more so after it became compulsory and this was when the population was far smaller than it is now.There are many people who have been born since then who would not even be alive today if compulsory seatbelts were not introduced as one of their parents would have died in a car crash before having children
Nobody objects to wearing a seatbelt, pretty much 100% of people wear them.

Speaking for myself at least, the objection is to the Orwellian surveillance technology proposed to solve this non-issue.