LIVE GAME Round 11 vs. Dolphins

Live Game Discussion
Wake up to yourself queen sirro. Back to your usual stupidity I see.

Of course an 18 year old straight out of school, having never played against men let alone week in week out in the hardest comp in the world was going to flatten out a little. Anyone with a brain knows that. When is your lobortomy? I'll pick you up from the hospital of you need
I agree with Siro s although Galvin is relentless and try’s hard all game, he is just to slow to play 5/8. The last 3 weeks he has been found out, don’t fall fir his dummy slide and u will nullify him! They have worked him out! It’s obvious, open your eyes…
That’s the problem with Api as our captain, he is too buggered to approach the ref. We need to put Sezer as captain so the refs don’t get away lt with the shot they are delivering without question!!
Tonight was more of the same we have seen in the last few games. Our very poor roster, especially depth wise, has left us playing players that really aren’t up to regular & consistent week in week out NRL standards. A team devoid of match winning players like ours relies on every player playing at their absolute best so each week the same below par players make dumb errors that ultimately cost us.
Naden, Staines, Sullivan, AJ were the main culprits again. They drag down whatever hard work and effort is delivered by the rest. We aren’t a good enough squad to carry these guys and their repeated stuff ups.
Some of the ill disciplined stupidity really is inexcusable.
Tonight we tried hard but simply just weren’t good enough in key positions. The effort from most of our guys is there but there are just too many weaknesses in our squad.
To say it’s the coaching not the players is not right in my view.
And once again why don’t we give him a breather? Simpkin sat on the pine for 70 mins for what?

I guess the sin binnings didn’t help but I’m confused as to what role Simpkin plays
The bloke is getting flogged with a bad back. It's not as if he's gonna be put on ice for the finals, There are teenagers who have never seen the lofty position of being better than half the comp before. FFS even when the league were trying full-on to kick the Pies out did we not make the then top 5 at least once in a decade.
Rinse and repeat for how many years has it been now? Oh, that's right over a decade. That is pathetic.
Play out of their skins and flog a good side, then play shit for the rest of the season. Been happening a LOOOOOONG time.
Richo wants us come along on the journey, I don’t think I want to anymore…
I can honestly say I've been a balmain supporter all my life and for the past twenty odd years this shithole, I'm just about done, living up here near taree all our TV comes from Newcastle, we see a lot of knights stuff, I never thought I could jump ship but how much more as supporters are we expected to take
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The boys are trying hard but we just lack match winners. No speed in the backs and small pack. It really does not matter what we do until we get some hard nosed first graders and some pacy backs. Our defence has improved but no shape in attack which is so predictable. I don't know what they practice for 7 days every week? It's same plays every week.
Lets hope Souths and Titans stay on the same trajectory for the rest of the season or 3rd spoon coming.
FFS do any of you people have a clue how a team sport works ? Galvin has nobody else running off him into the right spots for his passes to hit them! Not one player makes the defence think they may be getting the ball so they are in 2 minds .. he has to stop and catch the passes in front of him and behind him and above him and they are normally timed poorly and he has next to no shape to work with and also seems to not get the ball when he calls it most of the time .. Galvin is a footy player , he is rapidly learning in a team of players that have very little Footy I Q .. Kepoa and his ilk are putting Galvin under so much pressure , but I have not once seen him shirk his task.. wait till you see his upper body fill out and his shoulder starts to find its mark.. he is a superstar in the making .. like the next model Isaiah Yeeoh .. Galvin is not the problem in this team ,
When did I say he is the problem ....I'm saying as a 6 he needs more pace .....someone was suggesting he'd play SOO if he was at the Roosters ....he won't if he doesn't find at least a yard off speed .....players can sit on his ball runners because he can't get on the outside of his defender and commit defenders
Galvin isn't a long term 6.

Very good footballer, but he lacks the ability to create space for hole runners. Latu will eventually take over his role.

Galvin brings huge workrate, competitive nature and some natural footballing skill. He will be a huge asset if he is willing to transform to a lock.

Latu should be our 6 if he can fix his hamstrings. I agree Galvin should be our lock long term, but I doubt we’ll be able to convince him and his manager of that.

He’s one of our few players with a brain and we need to keep him.
The bloke is getting flogged with a bad back. It's not as if he's gonna be put on ice for the finals, There are teenagers who have never seen the lofty position of being better than half the comp before. FFS even when the league were trying full-on to kick the Pies out did we not make the then top 5 at least once in a decade.
Made the semis in 91, 92 and 96.
They were flying compared to this lot.
To say it’s the coaching not the players is not right in my view.
So you think they are a well coached and professionally presented side who are well drilled in attack and defence?
The team is trying hard but that’s the minimum KPI for a professional sporting organisation.
Got to respect some of the positivity on here. I think you're deluded, but I respect it. I think that was awful, and unfortunately some drubbings are around the corner. Players are not improving individually, the team is not improving as a collective. Effort is there, and the only thing stopping the score board blowing out.
The Dolphins high error rate also helped the score board stay reasonable.

Herbie could not have played any worse
Bula 52meters tonight….piss poor, he slipped and slid for more meters than he ran
Not forgetting he only bothered to wrap around his halfback or 5/8 to try and create an overlap line any half decent fullback does once or twice all game,
Good fullbacks bring a lot of the unpredictability into their teams attack, he offers nothing as a fullback.
He might make it as a winger but centre, but I’m not even confident about that to be honest.