Recent content by NJLM78

  1. N

    8000.. Crowd attendance

    I thought the same. It really built up in the 30 mins before 1st grade. I though it was easily 10k.
  2. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    As fans we don't. We deserve far better.
  3. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    Among a few other things.
  4. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    And we did lead at half-time....
  5. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    Yeah we were due. It must be a week or two since our last one.
  6. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    Not against the tigers.
  7. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    17 % possession in last 15 minutes according to fox sports stats. Few teams manage that.
  8. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    One day wouldn't be long enough to see it all.
  9. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    Have to be good at something.
  10. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    It wouldn't be a west tigers game without a tiger in the bin.
  11. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    So unusual for the tigers to score 30 seconds before half-time.
  12. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    A top 8 team v tigers it would have been.
  13. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    Worth a challenge there.
  14. N

    LIVE GAME Round 14 vs. Dragons

    A kick that gets a result...its been a while.
  15. N

    LIVE GAME Round 12 vs. Cowboys

    Klemmer was lucky he didn't get an extra week for the Holmes tackle on Ice.