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    Whatever happened to Flippedy? Does anybody know?
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    Interesting article on the economics of sports
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    Blake Austin injures hand Out for indefinite period.
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    Winning Culture I read this article this morning and copied it here for its insight into building a winning culture. At the end of the article it mentions...
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    Coaching the new prospects Worth a read for those that would like to see Potter shafted.
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    Where's the captain?

    In the "We need you" promo for the upcoming game, the team captain is noticeably absent. My thoughts are; given recent events and media statements by the captain about Potter's and his team leadership, I would think it is very important for the captain to publicly demonstrate cooperative...
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    Special Request

    Merry Christmas & Happy 2014. I've probably posted this in the wrong place but I have a special request. For Christmas I was shouted a ticket to watch the Tigers play in Sydney. (Of course the real motive is a shopping trip in Sydney for the missus but we'll let that one ride.) I'm trying to...